CT chapter: 26

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Current Timeline: Jungkook's POV

[Disclaimer: So this chapter will be pure torture for all hardcore Vkook stans, and I am sorry but this chapter only adds to the story-line and helps bring it forward. DON'T WORRY THOUGH. Taehyung will come into picture in just a few more chapters. :)]


"What are you doing here, Jungkook?"

"Drinking, wanna join?"

I asked as I raised the bottle up.

She looked at the bottle and then at me.

"Shouldn't you be at the dorm now? Curfew is just 15 more minutes."

"Fuck curfew. I just came here to have some fun."


"If you want to join, it won't be as boring anymore."

Hana's friends stood nearby watching us like eagles. Hana looked visibly uncomfortable and conflicted as her friends and I watched her carefully.

She turned to her friends guiltily,

"You guys go ahead, I'll come."

Her friends seemed reluctant in letting her go with me but after a look of assurance they went.


She started as she plopped down next to me.

I hummed in response to get her to continue.

"You do realise that college starts tomorrow right?"

She said trying to read my expression as I looked down at the ground.

"Yes, college starts tomorrow, that's why I'm drinking in celebration."

I replied sarcastically.

She looked at me for a moment before sighing and looking at the road ahead.

"Wanna drink?"

I asked, holding the bottle in front of her face.

"No, thank you. I've had my fair share at the club that day."

She stayed silent for a few moments before turning to me.

"You're going for medical right?"

"Yep. And you're for law?"

"Yeah, glad you payed attention."

She replied sarcastically.

I don't know why but that statement seemed to have offended me.

Maybe it was my clouded and messed up mind that decided to go against my better judgement to keep quiet but instead make me lean closer to her, leaving only less than a centimeter of space between us.

I whispered in her ear,

"Princess, I pay attention to everything, even to things you may not want me to notice."

Even through the dim light, I could notice her ears go an instant red along with her blushing cheeks.

She murmured quietly underneath her breath thinking that I wouldn't hear.


I chuckled looking at her flustered reaction.

She didn't dare look at me as she stared at the ground.

I set the bottle in my hand aside before I fell quiet and observed her.

Her ears grew redder by the minute as she realized that I was staring at her, taking note of every action.

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