CT chapter: 9

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Current Timeline: Yoonji's POV

Jimin and I entered the classroom with our fingers intertwined with one another. We tried to look for a seat together but most of the people decided to sit next to their friends leaving no two empty desks together.

Jimin turned to me pouting as I left his hand.

"Jagi, please. I want to sit with you."

I scrunched my nose up and cringed at the pet name. He had been calling me that ever since we went to buy food for Taehyung and Jungkook.

"It's only for a few hours Jimin."

He pouted once more before we both sat on opposite sides of the classroom.

In front of me sat a group of boys all snickering as I sat behind them.

The boy sitting directly in front of me leaned his head all the way back until he was looking at me with his face upside down.

I rolled my eyes as he rested his black and blue hair on my table.

The teacher entered the class and almost immediately the noisy chatter died down to nothing but faint whispers.

I tapped the boy's head.

"I think your head is supposed to be there paying attention to the lecture."

I pointed at the teacher.

He smirked as he lifted his head off the table.

"Oh hey, didn't see you there pretty girl."

I scowled and tried to refrain myself from leaning forward and smacking his fat ass ego.

"Oooh....feisty, huh?"

He said as he and his friends smirked and chortled.

Suddenly his friends fell quiet as the teacher shot a glare in their direction.

The boy didn't get up from his lazy and laid back position. He continued to sit with his leg resting on his other leg and his back leaning and slouching on the chair. He was twirling his pen in his hand occasionally biting on the end as he took a pause.

"Sorry Mr. Byun, won't happen again."

As soon as the teacher continued to talk, the boy glanced at me, a smirk playing on his lips. He looked ahead and leaned his chair slightly behind but thankfully not too far or he would have to deal with a gun pointed at his head.

I turned to glance at Jimin.

He quickly whipped his head to the front as we made eye contact for a split second.

He looked extremely irritated.


After class was over I quickly wrapped up my things to avoid the boy. As I was putting my notes in my bag, the boy turned to me.

Only now could I really study his features. He was good looking but the smug expression that seemed to be permanently glued to his face, ruined it all.

He seemed to be eyeing me from top to bottom.

"Ahh, now that's what I call eye candy."

My jaw clenched.

"I wouldn't say the same for you."

I said as I quickly left and jogged up to Jimin.

He and his friends seemed dumb founded for a moment before I heard the boy's low raspy voice from behind me as I approached Jimin.

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