CT chapter: 5

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Modern Timeline: Jungkook's POV

We had gotten our schedules and the next day, the campus was bustling with nervous students glancing at the map for an idea of where their classes were.

Taehyung and I weren't able to text or let alone meet each other because of the continuous classes we had.

Jimin and Yoonji had both taken courses for graphic arts, and Jimin was constantly looking at Yoonji wishing he could talk to her, making Taehyung nudge or wink at him every time she walked by.

By the end of the day, I was back at my dorm.

Jimin was already there, studying.

I sighed as I set my bag down.

The textbooks weighed me down and I wondered how I could get through the entire semester carrying this shitload around.

Jimin had his book open but seemed distracted.

He kept spinning his pen around in his fingers, seeming to think deeply..... maybe too deeply.

"Jimin, you okay? You seem distracted."

Only after hearing me did he snap out of his trance.

"Pfft. Me? I was studying."

I scoffed,

"Sure. You're studying while looking out the window. You sure are hard at work."

Jimin just chuckled.

I looked at him with a devilish grin,

"Or are you hard at work trying to concentrate on what might be under that girl's miniskirt whom you kept ogling at in the cafeteria?"

He sat up straight and glared at me, but then slumped back into his chair and just sighed saying,

"I don't know man."

After some time of pointlessly staring at the wall, he went back to 'studying'.

I opened my books and did the same.


After two hours of studying and going through the minimal notes I had, Jimin offered to hang out with Taehyung.

I obliged and so we left the room and walked over to our friend's dorm.

I banged on the door as loud as I could, just to annoy Taehyung.

I was hoping he would open the door but Yoonji opened it instead.

My playful spirit dissipated a bit and Jimin went a light shade of pink.

Once Yoonji stepped aside to let us through, I walked over to Taehyung and playfully smacked him on the back of his head.

He peeled his eyes away from his phone screen and looked back at me.

"Done with your studies?"

"Why do you think I'd be stalking Rachel McAdams if I wasn't?"

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