CT chapter: 23

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Current Timeline: Jungkook's POV


My heart seemed to have stopped beating for a whole minute as she looked at me with a stern face.

I didn't dare look back at Hana but I could tell she was confused.

Jimin was nowhere to be found.

She looked at me and then stumbled a little to the right and then the left. Her eyes flickered between Hana and I as she analyzed the questionable position we were in.

Then she looked at me and spoke in a slurred voice,

"Wait till Tae Tae hears about this."

She held her finger in the air with her eyes closed while she swayed a little as she spoke.

She opened her eyes slowly but they were only half open. Her hooded eyes tried to look at me but they kept going cross eyed and I started to get a little scared just looking at her in this state.

Hana looked at me and whispered in my ear timidly,

"Is she your girlfriend?"

That question gave me enough courage to look behind me at her to give her the 'bitch-are-you- serious?' face.

She looked at me with a 'then-who-is-she' face.

I 'replied' with a 'just-a-friend' face.

She raised her eyebrow to give a 'then-why-is-she-so-mad?' face.

As we continued to communicate through our facial expressions, Yoonji cut in.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

She said as she pointed at Hana.

Hana immediately cowered behind me, her face a cherry red.

She replied in a small voice,

"I'm sorry. I just-"

"You're sorry? I bet you didn't say that to the girlfriends of all the guys you fucked."

Hana slumped down to try and hide herself behind me while she clutched the behind of my shirt.

"I'm not a slut."

She said quietly from behind me.

I didn't say anything the entire time as I watched Yoonji glare Hana down. It was pretty clear that Hana was shy and had trouble standing up for herself. Yoonji wasn't helping though by intimidating Hana. Yoonji was an intimidating person. Hana and her weren't a good mix.

Yoonji ignored her and looked up as she closed her eyes swaying in a circle.

I raised my eyebrows at her weird behavior.

"Are you okay?"

I asked, reaching a hand to touch her shoulder.

She immediately brushed me off, opened her eyes and pointed at me in an accusing manner.

"I see you aren't guilty of being unfaithful huh?"

She took several steps back as pangs of guilt hit me. My ears burned from embarrassment and I hid my face from both Hana, who was very confused and Yoonji who yelled at a man who was dancing as she bumped into him.

I knew Yoonji was getting tipsy, okay maybe not tipsy, like drunk but I couldn't help but feel ashamed of myself.

I walked over to Yoonji and was about to take her home but she stepped back.

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