CT chapter: 25

870 72 17

Current Timeline: Jungkook's POV

I woke up with a foul taste lingering in my mouth. 

I groaned. 

Morning breath and cigarette aftertastes are definitely not the best combination. 

Beads of sweat glistened on the back of my neck as rays of the dull sunlight streamed through the window next to my bed. 

A strange feeling of tiredness had consumed me. More than usual at least. 

I didn't want to get up and go anywhere. 

Staying in my dorm and living in complete isolation doesn't sound so bad.

But as always, someone had come to burst my comfortable bubble.

Annoying bitch:
Noksek Beach, 3:00pm. If you don't come, I'll make sure everyone picks a beautiful array of flowers for your funeral. 

I rolled my eyes, tossing the phone on my bed lazily. 


I found myself roaming the streets in the heart of Seoul. 

How exactly I got here?

I don't completely remember myself.

All I know is that I decided I didn't want to meet Jimin and Yoonji at the beach. And if I didn't want to, they would come and drag me from my dorm, so it's only right that I escape from them and everyone else and relieve some of the stress affecting me with everything that is going on. 

With that mindset I had set off to who-knows-where. 

I was beginning to grow bored and decided that I would splurge the money in my wallet on some drinks.

The bar was empty except for a few old men who were having a loud conversation about their wives.

The bartender looked at me from head to toe before sighing and deciding to serve me anyway.

As I gulped the shot, I winced slightly from the burning sensation in my throat.

And like that, I kept on ordering shots and the money from my wallet kept disappearing. 


My phone vibrated against my butt cheek. 

I pulled it out in exasperation. 

Who actually cared enough about me at this point to keep on calling and messaging me? 

I hope it's Taehyung though. 

36 unread messages from: Annoying bitch 

21 missed calls from: Annoying bitch 

12 unread messages from: No jams 

5 missed calls from: No jams 

Why can't these idiots leave me in peace? 

I had to admit I was a little disappointed that Taehyung hadn't called me. 

Or bothered to at least check on me. 

I left the bar, in search of something better to pass away my time with.

My phone kept ringing, almost forcing me to throw my phone away, but following my better judgement, I switched my phone off. 

My senses were slightly hazy as I strolled in the alleyways. 

The sun was setting and people were starting to return home from work. 

The roads were busy, with people bustling to get home and return to their families. 

I, on the other hand, didn't know where I wanted to go, or what I wanted to do.

It was frustrating to not know what I wanted. 

I just knew that I didn't want to go back to the dorm.

I walked towards the small shop on the corner of the road and spent the rest of my money on a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. 

And there I stood on the side of the road, taking a puff of the smoke that I knew was going to kill me slowly if I kept up with it. 


Trudging back to my room, I opened my drawer where I kept some money. 

I slowly took it out, taking just enough for one bottle of rum.

I had drunk too much today but I was in the mood for more.

As I was walking past Jinji's room, I took a quick peek through the crack of the door to see if any light was on. 

It was completely dark. I assumed that they were back and had given up on me. 

Eh, more fun for me. 

I sat with my bottle in the darkness of the night, somewhere near the campus. 

I watched the cars come and go, as their headlights lit up the road temporarily.

My only comfort was the darkness that surrounded me and the liquor bottle in my hand that I used to drown my stress away. 

What did my father want me to do?

To study well, get good grades, a good job, a good life, and not to mention a top position in his company.

And where am I now? 

Drinking like an alcoholic on the side of the road, wasting my time. 

Why am I not getting my shit together already? 

The giggling of girls interrupted my thoughts.

 I looked up to see a curious face looking at me. 




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