Episode 1, Part 4 - Let The Festivities Begin

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Mark grabbed his first clue. It read:
The key is hidden in the turkey.

Mark - I get my first clue and it says that the key is in the turkey. I haven't had anything to eat so I decide to eat the turkey until I find a key.

Mark pulled of chunks of meat and ate them as he looked for a key. Soon, he found the first key and read the clue attached to it:
The next key is hidden with the food clothing.

Yammy had just managed to find her first key when Mark was looking for his second. I can't die. I have to get back to Dante and Kyle. Then she read her next clue, and she lost a little hard earned hope.

"This makes no sense. What the hell is food clothing?" Mark muttered under his breath. He looked around to see if her could find anything.
"Clothing, clothes, shirt, dress, dressing. Salad dressing!" Mark said. He ran to the salad dressing and found the key easily. Unfortunately for him, Yammy heard him and was now on her last clue as well.

Yammy grabbed her next clue, curtesy of Mark. However, it was stranger than anyone had anticipated:
Your final key is hidden in a wine bottle. However, all the goblets are full, I don't appreciate a mess on my floor or table and I'd rather you didn't ruin the food with it. There is only one thing left do do. Don't get too drunk.
"What do we do if we get drunk?" Yammy asked.
"Party all night long," Mark replied. Yammy laughed. It felt good to laugh. She and Mark grabbed their first wine bottle and started drinking. Luckily, there wasn't much wine in each of the bottles, so it was easy to stomach.

Mark was drinking two bottles at a time, and it seemed like he had forgotten that his life was at stake.

Mark - I'm enjoying this. This is fun all of a sudden.

He kept drinking bottles, until finally he found the key, even though he was a little drunk.
"I got it!" Mark shouted. He ran to the chest and opened all of the locks. He grabbed the totem piece. It was a golden cylinder, and in black, it had a carving of a sceptre on it.
"Congratulations, you will live," the king turned his attention to Yammy, "and as for you."
Yammy was shaking with fear, and Mark felt horrible.
"You must die. Pass me my sceptre!" a knight handed the king his sceptre. He walked towards Yammy, who was glued to the spot with fear. The king raised his sceptre and whacked Yammy in the head. She fell to the floor, barely conscious. The king kept hitting her. Yammy's last thoughts were of Dante and Kyle, and how much she would always love them.

Mark couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. He just saw Yammy die. He saw the king kill her. He felt horrible.
"You can leave now. You are no longer needed here," the king didn't look away from Yammy, almost wishing she wasn't dead so he could hit her one more time. But Mark took the hint, and followed Lauren and Alex out of the room.


"Someone's coming!" Sean said. The group's attention turned to the door. They saw Lauren and Alex enter, followed by a traumatised, slightly drunk Mark. He was met with a sea of "Mark!" and "you're alive!" and "what happened?" and "where's Yammy?"
"We had to find 3 keys, and that involved eating turkey and drinking wine, which is why I'm a little drunk, and I won. And the king killed Yammy," Mark sounded genuinely heartbroken. He sat down next to Sean.

"Mark, do you still have the totem?" Alex asked.
"Um, yeah. Here it is," Mark handed Alex the totem, and he left with it
"Those are what you need to collect. Each individual totem piece has no power. You must free a previous guest to power up the totem. There are 9 totems and 9 guests to free, including us. But we are the final guests you must free. We can help you until that point," Lauren said. Alex returned with a small circular disc.
"This is where you will put the totems. Once they are powered up, they will glow. This is only the beginning. You will each have to face death to try and escape. Unfortunately, 17 more people must die so the survivors can escape the night," Alex explained. Lilly looked like she was in deep thought.

Lilly - I finally figure out how I know Alex and Lauren, but I didn't pay attention to anything they said, so I'll need to get filled in on it.

"That's how I know you! We were friends. But, I forgot," Lilly said.
"We died in the past, so we were erased from the future," Lauren said.
"But then how did you get to the past?" Nate asked.
"I'm assuming its an infinite time loop of you being born, going to the past and dying otherwise the parties would never have happened. If they didn't exist in the future, they couldn't come to the past. I think," Willow said. The guests who weren't 'Doctor Who' fans looked at her with blank expressions.
"Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff."
"Anyway," Alex said, "we need to find the notebook that tells us about the lieutenants. It'll be very useful."

Suddenly, there was the sound of marching coming from the corridor, and the door burst open...

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