Episode 19, Part 3 - The Dead Aren't Dead

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"I've got it!" Joel said, "a mirror."
A wall panel popped out. He pulled it off the wall and retrieved the key.
"Let's go," Joel said. The guests ran out of the door and towards the main entrance. Joel unlocked the door, and they key and lock vanished. The writing on the note changed again.

The final key is in the place of knowledge. Unlock the door again and you are home free.

"The library, has to be," Zoe said. The guests headed for the library, being even more careful than before, no one wanting to die at this late stage, not when safety was only minutes away. They looked out the window, the sun was about to rise.

Zoe - The sun is rising and I'm really nervous, but also, we can't lose, surely. We only have one key left to find, and we've been finding them all really quickly, so I'm not as worried as I could be.

They made it to the library quickly and locked themselves inside. They hadn't seen any zombies on the way there, worrying them all. They pushed their worries down and rushed into the library, shutting the doors behind them.
"There's a note on the floor," Thomas said. Thomas picked up a note from the middle of what looked like a ritual circle someone had painted on the ground.

The final key requires a sacrifice of blood in the middle of the circle. It will bind the dark spirit to its own plane so it can never be summoned.

The guests noticed small knives lying on the table in sheathes.
"What do we do?" Thomas asked.
"We have to do it," Joel said. They each picked up a knife and cut their hands. They let the blood drip into the circle.

As the blood hit the circle, the guests were blown back by a gust of wind. A tornado of sorts formed in the centre of the circle. The guests looked at their hands. No evidence of the blood sacrifice.
"The knives, give them to us," said a voice from within the tornado. Afraid, the guests threw the knives into the tornado and shielded their eyes as it emitted a blinding white light.
"Thank you," the voice said again. The light vanished, along with the circle and tornado. All it left behind was a slightly bloodstained note, which Zoe read out loud.

The evil that haunted this castle will never haunt another one. Thank you for helping us bind the spirit to its plane of existence, and we are sorry for any losses you have suffered tonight. The guests spirits have also moved on to a better place. The key will be with you in a moment, and you are free to leave. The society will be waiting for you on the outside.

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