Episode 9, Part 4 - A Horrid Sickness

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Tiffany and Joe followed Alex and Lauren to the infirmary. They saw a note and two syringes, one with red liquid and the other with yellow liquid, lying on the table.

"Both of you must inject this into your bloodstream if you want to learn more."

The two took the syringes.
"Good luck," Tiffany said.
"Good luck," Joe said. They injected the unfamiliar fluid into their arms. A drawer opened with two booklets, one red and one yellow, and a note. Joe grabbed the note.

"You have just injected yourselves with poison. You must create the antidote corresponding to the colour of poison you took, but if you get one ingredient wrong, the poison will prove fatal. You will search in your own medicine cabinets for three liquids to create your antidote. Once the winner has injected their antidote, the loser's poison will become fatal and they will die in horrible pain."

Tiffany took the yellow booklet and Joe took the red one. They immediately started looking for the ingredients to make the antidote.

Tiffany - My first clue is to find a green liquid in the medicine cabinet, so I start looking, but there are so many green liquids in the cabinet.

As Tiffany looked desperately in the medicine cupboard, Joe had already found his first ingredient. He poured it into the clean syringe and began looking for his next clue.

Joe - My next clue is a bit vague, it just says the liquid the same colour as nature, so I'm just guessing.

Tiffany found her first liquid and poured it into her syringe. She began looking for her next clue.
"How are you doing, Joe?" Tiffany asked.
"I think I found my second one, but I have no idea, the clue's really vague," he replied.
"I'm just looking for my second," she said. The room descended into another awkward silence, neither one wanting to get too attached to their fellow competitor.

Tiffany found her second liquid and poured it into her syringe as Joe kept looking for his.

Tiffany - I'm in the lead and my third clue is really easy to solve, but really difficult to find.

As she desperately searched for her final liquid, Joe finally found his second and added it to the syringe. Tiffany managed to find her third. She added it to her syringe and mixed it up before injecting it into her arm. Joe turned around as he realised he had lost. He started coughing up blood, and fell to the floor. He convulsed violently, and blood trickled out of his nose. Eventually, he went still, and Tiffany knew he was dead. Another drawer opened, and in it was the next totem piece. She grabbed it and left the room, trying to forget what she watched happen to Joe.


Tiffany walked back into the break room, a few drops of blood staining her dress. She put the totem on the tower and sat down.
"One step closer to home," she said, "have to think of it like that."
The group murmured their agreement. They looked at the totem tower, thinking of those who died to get the rest of them this far. They silently paid their respects to their deceased friends as Lizzie flicked through the notebook to find out who the next lieutenant was.

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