Episode 19, Part 1 - The Dead Aren't Dead

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Previously on Escape The Night, the guests met Francis, the one who summoned the dark spirit. He came under the guise of helping them defeat the spirit, but he was there to save himself, and the spirit did not take kindly to him. During an exorcism challenge, Thomas banished the spirit, but it killed Lizzie as it vanished, and was able to raise the dead.

"What do we do?" Joel asked.
"Are there any other doors?" Thomas asked.
"The main doors. Maybe there's something there," Zoe said. The guests bolted to the main doors, through the old corridors, which seemed so much bigger now that there were only three of them. They made it to the main doors and saw a note and three locks.

To escape this castle, you must find three keys to open the doors and banish the zombies/ghosts before the sunrise. You have one hour. The first key is located in the first room of the first challenge. A warning to heed, the zombies are fools, they cannot be reasoned with, but they can be distracted. One of you may have to distract the zombies while the others gain the key. I should also warn you, the zombies will have a vendetta against you and will try to kill you. They haven't changed from the second they died, and they guard the place where they drew this final breath.

"Where was the first challenge?" Zoe asked.
"The dining room! Yammy died in there," Thomas said.
"We should go, there's five of them coming our way," Joel said. The guests ran towards the dining room at the sight of Phil, Callum with his neck bruised, Oli with burn marks on his arms and legs, Lilly with guts hanging out and Tiffany who was charred all over. The guests ran for their lives to the dining room. As they saw the doors, they also saw Yammy, blood all over her, her head badly dented. She started to walk towards them.
"I'll distract her, you guys get the key," Zoe said. She walked towards Yammy, within touching distance. Yammy lashed out at her, trying to grab her. Zoe dodged and ran off, Yammy hot on her heels, as Thomas and Joel snuck into the dining room.

"Okay, where will this key be?" Thomas asked.
"I have no idea, just try and find something and avoid stepping in Yammy's blood," Joel said.

Joel - Yeah, I already stepped in Yammy's blood and its really sticky and horrible.

"I found a clue," Thomas said. Joel ran to his side as they read the note.

To unlock the key, you must find the one who died here, and bring them to this room.

"That's Yammy, and I guess we'll get more clues when she gets here," Thomas said.


Zoe was running around the castle like a headless chicken, and more zombies were following her. Nate and Joe were also chasing her, although you couldn't tell how they died, however Joe did looked like he had been coughing up blood from the red stains on his costume. She started to turn around towards the dining room, and Willow also found her, with a huge wound in her stomach, and the bottom half of her dress stained red. Zoe ran towards the dining room and pushed open the doors, quickly shutting them behind her.
"Have you found the key yet?" Zoe asked, completely out of breath.
"We need to get Yammy in here," Joel explained.
"Are you okay?" Thomas asked her.
"I've been running around the castle with almost ten zombies chasing me, I'm very out of breath," Zoe said, "how are there so many? I thought they were all gone."
"Who knows," Thomas said, "the spirit must have done something to bring them back."
"I'll bring Yammy in, the note said the zombies guard the place where they died, she'll be out there somewhere," Joel said. Zoe walked away from the door, and Joel opened it slightly, just so he could see out of it. Yammy was still there, but all the other zombies were gone. He silently shut the door again.
"The zombies are gone, its just her. Stand to the side of the door so she won't see you when she runs in. I'll handle the rest," Joel said, a plan forming in his head.

Zoe - Me and Thomas hide behind the door, and I'm really worried for Joel, he might get himself killed with this plan.

Joel opened the door and stepped outside. Yammy saw him, and Joel let Yammy run at him. At the last second, he stepped out of the way and Yammy ran into the room. Suddenly, she froze in place, and a floorboard popped up. Thomas pulled it up and Zoe grabbed the key that was resting under it.
"What do we do now?" Joel asked.
"Unlock the first lock. If the note is to be trusted, the zombies are idiots, they won't think to relocate the door. And we can take the key with us if needs be," Zoe said. Thomas and Joel agreed, and they left Yammy trapped in the dining room as they ran to the main door.

Thomas - I feel bad for leaving Yammy trapped here, but we're not going to free her because one less zombie to deal with is a good thing.

The guests ran towards the main door, carefully and quietly, so as not to attract attention from the zombies.

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