Episode 17, Part 4 - Betrayal Of The Castle

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The group walked back into the break room. Everyone took a seat, except for Phil, who immediately voted for himself and then sat down. Thomas followed next, voting for himself and showing that he voted for himself. Everyone else did the same, and they waited with baited breath to see who would go into the challenge. Lauren shuffled the tiny pile of cards and drew the first card.


She pulled the next card from the top.


The group gasped. Lizzie and Joel looked at each other, sadness in their eyes.

Lizzie - I don't want to go up a giant Joel. I can't.

Joel - I cannot go against Lizzie in this challenge.

"We need to get this over with. The gargoyle said to go to the bell tower," said Joel. They followed Alex and Lauren up to the bell tower. They walked into the bell tower and were met with a table. On it lay five leather bound journals, each with one of the guests initials carved into it. There was also a letter.

Choose which of the guests you will betray and condemn to death at my hand. Drop their book from the tower


Thomas, Zoe and Phil sat in the break room, waiting to see who would return.
"Help me!"
The group could hear screaming. It sounded like Lizzie and Joel.
"We need to help them," Zoe said. She ran out of the room.
"Wait!" Thomas shouted, "come on, Phil."
Thomas ran after Zoe, and Phil begrudgingly jogged after him.

Zoe kept running, following the screams she heard, until she was in the garden, next to the glowing purple circle. There was no one there. As she turned to leave, she found that she couldn't move her feet, no matter how hard she tried.
"Zoe, are they here?" Thomas asked.
"No, and I can't move my feet," she said. Thomas walked towards her to help her, but his feet got stuck as well. Phil joined them and his feet stopped moving as well.
"What's happening?" Thomas asked, "it's like Rocky Horror."


"We have to choose who dies?" Joel said, "I don't think I can, I really like everyone here, I don't want to choose."
"We have to pick someone," Lizzie said, "we can rule me and you out, and Zoe is our ally, so its Thomas or Phil... I think we need to kill Phil. I hate myself for thinking it, but he's given up. He's not trying anymore."
"We have to choose him," Joel picked up the journal with the initials P.L carved on the front. Lizzie also took hold of the journal. They walked to the edge of the bell tower and dropped it off the side, and waited.


Thomas, Zoe and Phil stood in fear as they watched Lizzie and Joel approaching the edge of the bell tower and drop something off it. They watched as a gargoyle flew from its perch on the wall towards them. They struggled even more, but the gargoyle seemed to be heading for Phil. He shut his eyes and cowered in terror as the gargoyle flew closer to him. Zoe and Thomas had no choice but to watch on as the gargoyle crashed into Phil's head. He stumbled back, head bleeding profusely, and tripped over nothing and fell back to the fountain. His neck cracked as it hit the fountain, and his blood began to fill the fountain as he died. Thomas and Zoe were able to move again, and they ran back inside, sparing one last look at Phil.


Lizzie and Joel watched the gargoyle fly, hit someone (they assumed it was Phil) and come back. They saw the other people running away as the gargoyle flew to its perch.
"It is done. You will leave," the gargoyle said. The totem piece appeared before them. Joel grabbed it and they walked back to the break room.


Lizzie and Joel walked back into the break room to see Thomas and Zoe, out of breath and recovering on the sofa.
"What happened back there?" Thomas asked, "Phil died, the gargoyle hit him in the head then he broke his neck on the fountain."
"We had to choose someone to kill. And we only chose him because he'd given up," Lizzie explained hastily.
"Okay," Zoe said, not sure what to think. Lizzie and Joel sat down. Everyone was a little confused and frightened. They didn't make eye contact with anyone else as Joel put the final totem piece on the tower.
"You only have to free us now," Alex said, comfortingly, "it's almost over."

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