Episode 9, Part 1 - A Horrid Sickness

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Previously on Escape The Night, the group encountered a hunter. Three of the guests were possessed by unknown spirits, and during the challenge, Sean lost and paid with his life.

A nurse walked into the break room, and the guests scrambled to the back of the room.
"You are the guests who wish to defeat the evil in this house. I am the next lieutenant you must defeat. Come to the infirmary to face your next challenge," she said. She left the room as the guests cowered in fear.
"The infirmary?" Phil asked.
"Yeah," Dan replied.
"Me and Callum hid there when the peasants were looking for us, I think I still remember where it is," Phil said.
"Then why are we still here, let's go," Willow said. The group followed Phil upstairs and to the infirmary.

They walked in and saw a round table with shot glasses, enough for all the guests, and a note on the table. Lilly grabbed the note and read it out.

"Each of you must take a shot if you want to know more. One of them is poisoned, but they are all identical. I have left clues to find the antidote which I will reveal after one of you wretched people have been poisoned. I would wish you luck if I cared if you live or die."

"I guess we just take a shot," Tiffany said. The group gathered round the table and grabbed their shot glass.
"Bottom's up," Willow said. The group drank their shots.

Suddenly, Rosanna turned an unnatural shade of purple and started violently coughing. The group immediately went into panic mode, with some of them trying to help Rosanna, some of them trying to figure out what was happening, some looking for an antidote. A drawer opened, and Thomas grabbed the note inside.
"Guys, I found a note. It says we need to check the medicine cabinet," Thomas shouted. The guests scrambled to the medicine cabinet and started looking for the antidote or another clue.

Rosanna stumbled towards an empty bed, and lay down.
Rosanna, I'm sorry this happened. The poison isn't fatal, but it will hurt. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from it, but I know your friends can.
Joey's voice in her head gave her some comfort. At least she knew she wouldn't die, but it hurt unlike anything she knew. She felt sick and faint, she couldn't stop coughing and she felt breathless, and her skin had completely changed colour to a pale purple. She hoped her friends could find the antidote in time, because she didn't know how much longer she could deal with the illness.

"There's a note," Mark said, "it says the antidote is the same colour as your friend."
The group looked at Rosanna, then back at the medicine cupboard. They searched desperately for a pale purple liquid to save Rosanna.
"I found one!" Dan shouted.
"I found another one!" Phil said. The group started comparing the two bottles, trying to figure out what bottle was the antidote.
"Wait, the labels, someone's writing on them," Willow said. The group looked at the labels as someone wrote on them.

This is the antidote. - Joey

"Wait, what?" Lilly said as the writing on Dan's bottle changed.
"Joey's helping us from beyond the grave," Dan's lips curled into a smile. He opened the bottle and rushed over to Rosanna. She weakly took the bottle and drank the liquid. Almost instantly, her coughing stopped, and her skin returned to its normal colour.
"Thank you," she said.
"The labels are changing again!" Tiffany said. Phil's bottle changed to say:

You have solved my first clue, with help from your host. Now go to the kitchen, my next challenge awaits.

"I really hope no one else gets poisoned," Rosanna said, "that was horrible."
"I guess we'll find out," Lilly said. The group headed to the kitchen, all of them silently thanking Joey for helping them.

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