Episode 15, Part 4 - The Potion Master

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Mix together the flower, the water, 5 drops of the poison and boil it for a minute. Then, add 2 holly leaves, let it boil for another 30 seconds. Take the beaker off the heat and let it sit for a minute. When it is cool, pour the liquid into a syringe and inject into the person you wish to cure.

Without wasting a second, the two started making their antidotes. They had 25 minutes to save Thomas. As Dan scrambled to get his ingredients together, Joel lit the fire to boil the ingredients.

Joel - I start to boil the water as soon as I can, I know that will take the longest amount of time, so I get a head start.

Dan quickly collected all his ingredients and started making his antidote. He poured in the water and dropped the flower into the beaker as well. The stem had been cut down considerably, presumably so it would fit easier. He carefully measured out 5 drops of the poison and lit the fire under the beaker.

Dan - I realise I made a mistake by not lighting the fire, I'm gonna need to wait for ages for this to boil.

Joel quickly collected his ingredients and brought them back to his work station. He poured in the water and hastily measured out 5 drops of poison. He put the flower into the beaker, and the mixture very quickly started boiling. He ran and grabbed the holly leaves he needed and watched the clock from his work station. As a minute passed, he hurriedly threw the holly leaves into the beaker and watched the clock.

Around this time, Dan's antidote finally started to boil. He watched the clock intently, almost as if staring at it would make it go faster. 30 seconds passed. Joel took his beaker off the heat, narrowly avoiding burning his fingers. He was forced to wait for another minute, but luckily, he still had time to save Thomas.

Joel - I look over at Thomas, and he doesn't look good. I can almost see the life draining out of him, and I feel awful and I need to save him.

By this point, Dan had put the holly leaves into his antidote and was waiting for the 30 seconds to pass. Joel checked on his antidote, it was cool. Cool enough to pour into the syringe. He grabbed the beaker and carefully poured it into the syringe. He put the plunger back in. He looked over at Dan. He had just taken his beaker off the heat. Joel felt awful as he walked over to Thomas and injected him with the antidote. He watched as the life returned to his face. Dan turned around to see that Joel had won.
"I'm sorry, Dan," Joel said, remorse audible in his voice. Dan looked down, utterly hopeless.

Dan - I knew I lost as soon as I saw Joel taking his beaker off the heat, and I'm still utterly devastated.

"Get him," Athena ordered. Her slave walked towards Dan, who didn't put up much of a fight. He dragged Dan towards the window as Athena held Joel back. Dan started to struggle a little, seeing how high up he was.
"Oh god, no," he whimpered. Wordlessly, he pushed Dan out the window.
Joel and Thomas watched as Dan fell. They heard him scream the whole way down, and they heard him hit the ground. Athena unlocked the cell and let Thomas out.
"Take the totem piece, then leave, your work is done," Athena said. Joel took the totem piece, then he and Thomas left the room.


Alex and Lauren lead Joel and a slightly disoriented Thomas back to the break room. As they walked in, the colour drained from Phil's face as he saw that Dan was dead.

Phil - Thomas and Joel walk in, and I realise that Dan is dead. That's who we heard screaming, that's who fell, and my heart sinks.

"What happened?" Lizzie asked, glad to see that Joel was back safely.
"We had to make the antidote to save Thomas, and I was quicker," Joel said, not sounding triumphant at all. He sounded upset, almost remorseful. Thomas sat down next to Willow as he started to get his senses back.
"Are you alright?" Willow asked him, "you look a little dazed."
"I'm a little disoriented. The poison was really starting to take effect. I almost forgot my own name," he said, "I'm feeling a bit better now though."

The guests fell into an awkward silence, guessing how Phil must be feeling, but no one wanting to ask him. He looked down, thinking about the good times before he and Dan arrived at this murderous party. He silently vowed to himself to survive for Dan. One of them should get out of the castle alive.

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