Episode 14, Part 1 - Execution Day Pt.2

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The guests woke up to find that they were in different rooms, and they were alone. There were notes next to them as they woke up, and they all read them quickly to try and make sense of this situation.

Dear guests, I have separated you as, for this challenge, you will all compete. There are no clues, you must make it to the gallows as quickly as possible. The last one there will be hanged. I will appear to you if you are last. The gallows are behind the dungeons, to the north-east of the room I found you in. I wish you luck.


Willow - I read this note and immediately panic, because I am in a long dress, I can't run, so all us girls might be at a disadvantage, but I am not losing this, but I also don't know where I am.

Willow left the small room she was in and tried to get her bearings. As she left the room, she realised she was in a tower. She ran down the stairs and tried to figure out where she was.
"Wait, this is the bell tower, so if I'm here, then the break room is there, and I can get to the dungeons from there," Willow muttered to herself. She lifted her dress and took off down the corridor, and down a few more stairs. She quickly made it to the break room.
"And the dungeons are... that way!" she said, pointing the way of the dungeons. She paused for a moment, as she saw the compass painted onto the floor. Ignoring it for now, she ran that way, twisting and turning through all the corridors.

Willow - I thought I'd run into someone else at some point, it's a little weird, unless I'm the last one, but the executioner hasn't appeared to me, so I think I'm safe.

She made it to the dungeons and pushed the door open. Seeing no one else, she ran down the corridor in the middle of the cells, and looked around. She saw another narrow passageway and followed it out the door. She opened it and saw the gallows, along with two other guests.


Lizzie threw her note down and ran out of the room, determined to survive.

Lizzie - My dress is too long for this!

She looked around and realised she was nearby the kitchen.
"Kitchen's here, break room's there, dungeons are nearby," Lizzie said to herself. She picked up her dress and ran towards the dungeons, passing the break room on her way, although she took a wrong turn.
"Wait, where am I?"

Lizzie - Somehow I took a wrong turn, and I don't remember where I am.

She paused for a second, then retraced her steps, and made it back to the break room, also seeing the compass. She stood for a moment, mapped out the route to the dungeon in her head, and ran off in that direction. She made it to the dungeon, pushed open the door and ran down the corridor. She followed the path the executioner dragged Mark out of and saw the group that was there. She was the fifth to arrive.


"Wait, what? How did I get here?" Joel asked himself as he took in his surroundings. He was in the scientist's lab from earlier in the night. As he looked at the machine, he saw Oli's corpse. Quickly, he turned away and ran out the door and down the stairs.

Joel - I'm in the scientist's room, so I'm already confused. Then I see Oli, and I just run because I do not want to see his body, hearing about what happened to him was enough.

He made it down the stairs and ran to the break room, pausing to remember the way to the dungeons. He saw the compass on the floor, and remembered to go north-east. He ran in that direction, and through the corridors. He made it to the dungeons, opened the door and ran through the corridor.
"How do I get outside?" he murmured to himself. He looked around the room, and saw a passageway. He followed it outside and saw the gallows, and the rest of the group.

Joel - I'm only the fourth person to make it to the gallows, and I'm really wondering who will come last. I think I was pretty quick and I was only fourth.


Dan stood up and realised he was in the garden.

Dan - I wake up in the garden, so I'm annoyed about the grass stains first of all, and also, I'm on the wrong side of the bloody castle!

Dan ran through the garden and back into the castle, following the twisty walkways back to the break room. Before the got there, he noticed the compass that had been drawn on the floor.
"Why is their a compass on the floor, or have I just missed that?" he asked himself. He followed the compass north-east towards the dungeons.

Dan - There were a lot of weird things happening tonight, then a compass appeared on the floor. I don't know what's going on anymore.

Confused, he followed the pathways towards the dungeons. He pushed the door open, and it slammed shut behind him. Suddenly, Dan felt very scared. He paused for a moment, waiting to see if the executioner would show up. When he didn't, Dan walked down the corridor between the cells, looking for a way outside. He found the exit and followed it outside.

Dan - I walk outside and I'm the last one to arrive. There's only one person who isn't there, and I feel really lucky.

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