Episode 4, Part 1 - Black Magic

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Previously on Escape The Night, a group of revolting peasants attacked the guests. Callum and Zoe were chosen to fight for their lives. Zoe managed to win, and Callum was killed by the peasant leader.

Lizzie flicked through the notebook until she found the right page.
"A young ambitious wizard once made a terrible decision. He followed a dark spirit for power, and the spirit corrupted him. He gave the wizard power in exchange for loyalty to him. The young wizard trained in natural magic, as the spirit requested, and owns a pack of wolves who tear his enemies to pieces. He is not threatening when he is alone, but with his wolves, he is deadly," Lizzie read.

"That's fun," Willow said sarcastically.
"So we just need to get him without his wolves," Oli said.
"Stacy, that's your job," Lauren said.
"I'm assuming he never leaves his wolves," Dan said.
"You would be wrong," said a male voice. A man entered, very obviously the wizard they were just talking about.
"I am often without my wolves, like I am now. They must rest at this time. As you may know, I am the next lieutenant. I have been given a letter that I must now give to you," he dropped a letter on the table and left.

"That was weird," Thomas said.
'What does the letter say?" Phil asked. Tiffany grabbed the letter and started reading it.

Dear guests,
                      I am Jesse Wellens, and once I was like you. I was at Joey's last party, and it killed me. I made a decision that lead to my death at the hands of a spider woman. I am now helping you from beyond the grave. There is a tower on the east side of the castle where I can help you more. Go to the roof. I am not strong enough to keep talking to you here. I wish you luck.
- Jesse Wellens

"I guess we go to the east tower," Joey said. The group nodded.
"We'll show you how to get there," Lauren said. She and Alex left, followed by the remaining guests. Joey caught up with them at the front.
"How are you here?" You died. Shouldn't you be like the others?" Joey asked.
"I don't know why, but we were chosen to help the next group of guests survive the night. The other's spirits were used to power up the totems, but they've been separated by the spirit. They wrote these letters from beyond the grave, but they aren't yet strong enough to appear as ghosts. All they can do is write notes," Alex explained.
"Oh, that's interesting," Joey said. He fell back to rejoin the group.

They made it to the east tower and climbed to the top.
"There's a note," Willow grabbed it and opened it. There was no writing.

"Hello, this is Jesse speaking to your from beyond the grave. To power up the totem, you must find the 6 wolf statues scattered throughout the castle and place them at the foot of the oak tree. This will summon the wolves and the wizard will give you the challenge. I only know how the loser will die. I was eaten alive, and the loser of this challenge will suffer a similar fate. I wish you all luck. Goodbye."

The guests stood silently for a moment.
"That was Jesse's voice," Joey managed to say.
"He's helping you from beyond the grave," Lauren said.
"Well, we should listen to him. We should split into groups and look around," Oli said.
"Where do we look though?" Lilly asked. Willow looked down at the paper she was holding.
"Guys, I think Jesse's writing on this note," she said. Words were being written on the note. It was different locations from around the castle.
"I guess this is where the statues are," Thomas said.
"So, we split up and go to these locations," Lauren said.
"Looks like it," Stacy said.

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