Episode 16, Part 2 - The Statues Live

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Thomas, Phil and Willow made it to the eastern tower and walked down the stairs to the basement. There was a sign nailed to the door.

The statue residing here is guarded by clues you don't want to solve. Be prepared.

"That's weird," Willow said. She pushed the door open. There was another door in front of them, with a message pinned to it, and there were three open chests next to the door, each with a key inside and a note on the inside of the lid.

Which of these guests is yet to die a gruesome death?

"Oh, the answer is in one of the chests," Willow said.
"The chests say Nate, Zoe and Joe. The answer's Zoe," Thomas said. He picked up the key from the chest saying 'Zoe' and unlocked the door.
"I see why the note said we won't want to answer the riddles," Willow said as they walked through the door.


Joel, Lizzie and Zoe made it to the western tower's basement, and were met with the same note the other group found.
"How bad can these clues be?" Lizzie said. She pushed the door open. The room was set up the same as the other group's room was. There was a note on the door and three open chests containing keys and the names of guests.

Which of these guests died in agony?

"The chests have Oli, Willow and Phil's names, so the answer must be Oli," Joel said. He took the key and unlocked the door.

Lizzie - If this is the spirit's doing, it's more awful than I imagined. He's making us relive the pain of everyone's deaths, and freak out about our own.


"Next clue, who was strangled to death?" Thomas said, "what are the options?"
"Callum, Tiffany and Dan, so it has to be Callum, since we all know how Dan and Tiffany died," Willow said. She grabbed the key and unlocked the door.

Willow - I'm worrying about Phil a little bit. He was talking earlier, but he seems to be shutting down when we don't talk to him directly. I'm going to give him some space because he needs it.


Which of these guests was burned alive?

"Tiffany," Zoe said. She grabbed the key from the chest with Tiffany's name and unlocked the door.
"Wait, what are the other options?" Lizzie asked.
"Yammy and Mark," Joel said. Zoe pushed open the door and walked through, followed by Lizzie and Joel.

Zoe - This is really awful, and I really hope this quiz is over with soon.


"Final clue, how did Joe die," Willow said.
"Options are drowned, drank poison or died of disease," Thomas said.
"He faced that nurse in her challenge, so he didn't drown. What happened in that challenge, he could have drank poison thinking it was medicine or he could have died of disease," Willow said.
"More likely he died of disease, I think," Thomas said. Willow grabbed the key from that box and unlocked the door.
"You were right. Nicely done," Willow said to Thomas. The three of them walked through the door.


"What's the last clue?" Joel asked.
"How did Lauren die," Zoe said, "our options are throat slit, stabbed and strangled."
"Dan was possessed to kill her and he had a knife, so she wasn't strangled," Lizzie said.
"And I don't think her throat was slit, there was too much blood on the knife for that," Zoe said.
"So, he was stabbed?" Joel asked.
"I think so," Zoe replied. Joel took the key from that box and unlocked the door.
"Well remembered, Zoe," Lizzie said as they walked through the door.
"It's forever burned into my memory," Zoe muttered under her breath as she followed Lizzie and Joel.

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