Episode 16, Part 1 - The Statues Live

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Previously on Escape The Night, the guests met a potion maker and her servant. After kidnapping and poisoning one of them, the other guests competed to save his life. Dan wasn't quick enough to save him and met his demise.

"Who's the next lieutenant?" Joel asked. Lizzie took the notebook and found the next page.
"The next lieutenant is a statue of a knight brought to life by the spirit. To summon the knight and bring him to life, which you need to do to release the spirit, you must find the smaller statues of his men and bring them to him," she read.
"Do we have anything else to go on?" Zoe asked.
"No, that's it," Lizzie said.

"One statue is in the basement of the eastern tower, one in the basement of the western tower, there are only two," as the guests heard someone speak, a ghost began to appear before them.
"Destorm?" Alex said. The man they saw before them looked like a Victorian gentleman, but with a strange looking wound in his chest.
"You need to go, the quicker you find the statues, the more time you have to face the knight," Destorm said before slowly vanishing.
"Well, I guess we should do as he said," Willow said.


Thomas - Me, Phil and Willow are going to the western tower to find this statue, and me and Willow both really worried about Phil. He hasn't said anything since me and Joel got back.

"Phil, are you okay?" Thomas asked.
"No," he said, "we just heard a scream, I didn't know who it was. I guess I'm in shock, as well as grieving."
"You've still got us," Willow said, "it's the three of us against the world now. We can all make it, I know we can."
"I guess," Phil said, "I just want to survive for Dan. One of us should get out of here alive."
"You will, you've been a great player all night, you're getting out of here," Thomas said. Phil smiled a little. Willow linked arms with both of them as they walked towards the tower.


Zoe, Joel and Lizzie walked towards the eastern tower.

Joel - I really don't want to go anywhere near this tower, but Thomas and Phil don't either, so I just decide to go so they don't have to.

"It's getting really close to morning, you guys," Lizzie said, "how long so we have we got left?"
"Hopefully enough time to escape this place," Zoe said, "actually, I know it's a bit late in the night, but do you guys want to form an alliance?"
"We're already voting for ourselves, though," Joel said, "how are we going to be allies?"
"We'll look out for each other, keep each other safe, then make sure the others are okay," Zoe said.
"I'm up for that, but don't say anything to them," Lizzie said.

Lizzie - Me and Joel have basically been in an alliance already, we just haven't made it official.

"Nice. I reckon we can survive together," Zoe said. The new alliance walked towards the western tower.

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