Episode 6, Part 2 - Murder In The Family

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The guests walked back to the lounge, and saw a young woman standing there. She had a huge headdress on, and a grey dress with huge slits up the legs. There was a hole in her chest, and blood seeped out of the wound. She looked at the guests, and vanished, leaving only a letter. The guests exchanged looks and entered the room.

"Gabbie," Alex barely whispered. No one but Lauren heard him
"Who was that and what happened to her?" Sean asked.
"Gabbie Hanna. She and I were sent into a challenge together. The person who finished first had to pull a lever which would kill the other guest. I pulled the lever, and Gabbie had her heart ripped out," Alex explained.
"That's horrible," Joe said. Lauren grabbed the note.

Dear guests,
                      My name is Gabbie Hanna. I was a guest at Joey's party. My life was ended when a Promethian ripped my heart out for an automaton bride to live. I am growing stronger now, if you come to the workshop, I may be able to talk to you face to face. Yours, Gabbie.

"Looks like we're going to the workshop. Lauren, Alex, lead the way," Mark said. The group headed on the now familiar journey of Alex and Lauren showing them all these rooms that somehow fit in this tiny castle.

The group entered the workshop, and the door slammed shut behind them, locking Alex and Lauren out. The guests heard them screaming, before they went quiet, and it sounded like they were being dragged away by someone, or something.

The guests banged on the door, but it wouldn't budge.
"Ok, there must be something around here," Lauren said. The guests started looking around for anything.
"Ah!" Phil jumped back from a cabinet.
"What is is?" Tiffany asked.
"There is a heart in there," Phil said...


Alex and Lauren woke up in the dining room.
"Good, you're awake. I thought I'd given you too much sedative," said a voice. The spirit. They tries to get up, but they were tied to two chairs.
"What are you doing? Let us go!" Alex shouted.
"I have a proposition for you. Join me, and you will be sent home once the guests are dead. You will have a second chance at life," the spirit whispered.
"We will never join you," Lauren said defiantly.
"Then you will never escape," the spirit vanished, and left Alex and Lauren to their own devices.


"A human heart?" Lizzie asked.
"I think so," Phil said.
"Could it be Gabbie's?" Willow asked.
"I hope not, but it probably is," Joe said.
"I think there's a note," Dan said.
"Anyone willing to get it?" Thomas asked.
"I'll do it," Rosanna said. Rosanna reached into the cabinet and grabbed the note, managing to avoid touching the heart.
"Got it," she said. She ripped open the envelope and read the note.

Dear guests,
                      Your friends are in grave peril. You must solve the puzzles of this room to escape, and find your friends. I can appear in a physical form, but I can't save them. Its up to you. They are being held in the dining room. Escape, and you can save them. - Gabbie Hanna

"Ok, so we need to find puzzles and solve them. Where would they be?" Lilly said.
"I found one!" Mark said. He pulled a cloth off of a large container with a full sink next to it with some cups scattered around. Sean ran over to him.
"It looks like we need to get something from the bottom," he said.
"Pour the water from the sink into the container and the thing at the bottom will float to the top," Mark said. He and Sean immediately grabbed cups and started filling the container with water.

Lilly, Zoe and Phil were standing next to what looked like an unfinished project. There was a block of wood that was half sawn through and a saw next to it.
"Oh, I think we need to cut the wood," Lilly said as she grabbed the saw, "guys, can you hold it steady?"
Dan and Zoe grabbed either side of the wood and Lilly sawed through it.

"I got it!" Sean cried as he grabbed it from the top of the container, "its a key."
"Look for a lock somewhere," Phil said. Just then, Lilly finished sawing through the wood and it hit the floor.
"There's a key here too," Zoe said as she grabbed it. The door swung open and the guests screamed and jumped ten feet in the air.
"Let's go!" Willow was the first out of the room, swiftly followed by the others, "how do we get to the dining room from here?"
"Um, I think I know," Lauren said. She started walking and the guests followed her. She managed to find her way to the dining room.
"Huh, must be a thing about someone being called Lauren that means you're really good at finding your way around this place," Willow said, although no one heard her. They opened the doors to the dining room, and saw Alex and Lauren in there.

"Oh my god. What the hell happened?" Willow said.
"We got captured when the door slammed. Can you help us?" Lauren asked. Zoe and Tiffany ran over and freed Lauren and Alex, and the group ran out of the dining room and back to the lounge.

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