Episode 12, Part 2 - Frankenstein

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Thomas, Mark and Rosanna walked towards the gazebo and started looking around for the gear.
"So, guys, do you think there's any way of us sabotaging the machine so someone can live?" Mark asked.
"I was thinking the same thing," Thomas said, "maybe if we put the gears back in the wrong place or something? Or try and mess up what's already there."
"I like the sound of that. While we're fixing the machine, we try and break it," Rosanna said.
"Oh, I got the gear," Thomas grabbed a small copper gear and the group walked back to the tower, ready to put their plan in action.

Rosanna - We start walking back to the castle, and I suddenly hear the other groups talking, and it's really weird, and I think it's the possession allowing me to hear everyone else, and maybe even communicate with them.

Immediately, Rosanna started thinking of the plan, in the hopes that someone else would think of it as well. She heard Joey's voice as well.
"I'm glad I could help," he said, "I gave you access to everyone else to share the plan. I hope it works, for the whole group's sake."


Dan - My group are going to find the lever in the pantry, and all of a sudden, I hear Rosanna in my head talking about sabotaging the machine to try and save someone, so I end up suggesting it while we look for the lever.

"I just had a thought," Dan said, "what if we try to sabotage the machine? If it works, someone might survive."
"That sounds like a really good idea," Lizzie said, "how did you think of that?"
"It just popped into my head," Dan said.
"It's a good though, I like it," Willow said, a sly smile forming on her face.
"Me too, and I have the lever," Oli said. The group headed back to the tower.

Dan - And no one suspects that my possession had anything to do with it.


Joel, Zoe and Phil started looking around in the dungeons for a key to unlock the cabinet, as they could already see the gear.
"I think it locked itself after we came down here, we definitely unlocked the cabinet to get the doll," Phil said.
"I know," Joel laughed, "this house is weird."
"I think I found the key!" Zoe said as she picked an old looking key. She unlocked the cabinet and grabbed the gear. Then, as the three of them walked back to the tower, she started hearing Rosanna telling her to sabotage the machine.
"Guys, I just thought of something," she said, "what if we were to sabotage the machine. If it worked someone might live and we'd have extra help moving forward."
"That could work, actually," Joel said.
"We should do that," Phil said, "I really think we could save someone."
Zoe smiled as they made their way back to the tower.


All the groups met up as they walked back to the tower, and started whispering about the plan they came up with. To their surprise, every group came up with the same plan, but they shrugged it off as they walked into the tower and started 'repairing' the machine. The scientist was preoccupied with something else, and the guests managed to move gears around and change the wiring so that the machine wouldn't work.
"You've fixed the machine?" the scientist asked.
"Yep," Willow said.
"Oh, good, good, well, I assume you know what to do now. Go and vote on two people and send them up," the scientist ushered the guests out of the room and they headed back to the break room, all a little suspicious of the plan.

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