Episode 10, Part 3 - Witch Finder

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The group in the dungeons desperately looked for the keys to retrieve Elizabeth.
"Guys, I found a set of keys," Lizzie said as she left one of the cells. She ran towards the cabinet.
"So, which key is it?" Joel asked. Lizzie was holding a ring of six different, old looking keys
"I don't know. Just try them all, one of them might work," Thomas said. Lizzie tried the first key, and it didn't work. Then the second, and that one didn't work. One by one, she tried each key, but they didn't work. Soon, she was left with just one.
"Maybe we should keep looking, see if there are any other keys that might work," Phil said.
"We still have one key left, we should try it," Lizzie said.
"Yeah, you're right," Phil replied. Lizzie tried the final key, and the padlock unlocked. The group pulled the chain out from behind the handle and opened the cabinet. Phil grabbed the doll and the group ran back to the bell tower.

"You're back," Emily said when she saw the group return, "and you have Elizabeth! I can be with William and Anne again!"
Phil walked forward and held the doll out to her. She rushed forward and hugged Phil. He was taken aback at first, but hugged her back. She pulled back and took the doll. Just then, she began to fade away from existence. She waved to the group as she did, and they waved back.

"That was really sweet," Thomas said.
"Yeah," Lizzie said.
"So, what do we do now?" Phil asked.
"I guess we could go to the courtyard. We were told to go there in an hour anyway," Joel said.
"Yeah, I guess we could head there," Lizzie said. The group took one last look at the bell tower, and left for the courtyard.
"Wait, who are William and Anne?"


Willow - I feel like we drew the short straw here. We're literally just sifting through books trying to find William's journal, and it is dull.

"I got it! Mark cried. Mark had a leather bound journal in his hands, with the initials W.B.
"That's it!" Rosanna said.
"We need to take it back to the library," Lilly said. The group got up and rushed back to the library.

"William, we have your journal," Mark said. He held it out to him.
"Thank you," William said as he took the journal from Mark. As he did, he began to fade away. He smiled at the group before vanishing completely.
"We actually helped someone," Willow said.
"Yeah," Rosanna said, "feels good."
"What do we do now?" Lilly asked.
"I guess we go to the courtyard," Mark said. The group headed off towards the courtyard.


"We actually found a locket earlier," Alex said to the group, "I don't remember where it was though."

Dan - That's helpful.

"It has to be here somewhere," Tiffany said.
"Alex, what did the locket look like?" Zoe asked.
"It was silver, the shape of an oval. It was on a silver chain and the initials A.B were engraved on it," Alex said.
"That's it," Oli said. The group redoubled their efforts to find it. They ripped the room apart trying to find it, and Alex and Lauren started helping them.
"I found it!" Dan said. He pulled a small, silver locket out of the back of a drawer.
"We need to take it to her," Zoe said.
"We'll put this place back together," Lauren said. The group smiled at the two of them and ran off.

"Anne, we have your locket," Oli said as the group ran into the kitchen, startling Anne.
"You found it," she said in awe. Dan held it out to her and she took it from him. As she put it around her neck, she began to disappear. She smiled at the group one more time.
"Thank you," she said as she disappeared completely.

"That was sweet," Tiffany said.
"Yeah, it was," Dan said, "so, what do we do now?"
"We go to the courtyard, that's where we were told to meet," Oli said. The group left the kitchen and walked out to the courtyard.


As the groups walked to the courtyard, they all found each other before they got there. The guests, now reunited, walked out to the courtyard together, where they saw that the stake had been created, and the witch finder stood on in with a torch in his hand, ready to burn someone alive.

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