Episode 16, Part 3 - The Statues Live

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Thomas, Willow and Phil walked into the final room and saw the statue in a locked cabinet with a number lock, with one more clue.

How many have died?

"There were twenty of us at the beginning of the night," Thomas said.
"And six of us left now, so fourteen people have died," Willow said. She put the number 14 into the padlock and it opened. She quickly opened the cabinet and Thomas grabbed the statue they saw. They left the room, each door shutting and locking behind them as they did.


Joel, Lizzie and Zoe walked into the last room, and saw the statue locked in a cabinet, locked by a number lock. One final clue was pinned on the cabinet.

How many more have to die?

"How are we supposed to figure that out?" Lizzie exclaimed.
"Two totem pieces, one spirit," they heard a voice whisper. It sounded like Destorm.
"That makes three more deaths, if Destorm is to be trusted," Zoe said. Joel put a 3 into the padlock and it opened. He opened the cabinet and Lizzie took the statue.
"It's lighter than I expected," she said. The group left the room, each door locking behind them.


The groups reunited outside the break room, each group with their statue.
"So, where's the statue?" Thomas asked.
"We'll show you," Lauren said. The group followed Alex and Lauren out to the garden, where they saw the same stone statue of a knight they'd seen whenever they went to the garden. They hadn't thought it was important, so they hadn't paid it any attention. Thomas and Lizzie put the statues down in front of the knight. They heard stone crack as he came to life.
"You have summoned me to play my games. Vote on the two who will compete in my challenge and send them back here when you are done," the knight said, his mouth not moving. The guests, a little freaked out, walked back to the break room to vote.


"That was weird," Willow said, "and that is a very common adjective in this castle, but very well deserved in this scenario."
"What's the challenge going to be? He's a stone knight that's been resurrected, do you think we'll be turned out stone if we lose?" Lizzie said.
"I don't really want to know," Thomas said.
"Me neither," Joel said, "anyway, do you guys want to vote?"
"I'll go first," Zoe said.

Each of the guests voted for themselves, showing the card to prove they weren't lying. Lauren shuffled the cards and drew one.


He barely even reacted. He just accepted his fate. He was a little broken after the events of the night.


She looked down, a little nervous, determined to win, but wanting to keep her ally safe. Alex and Lauren walked out of the room, and Willow and Phil followed them. They listened to the group's good luck wishes as they left the room.

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