Episode 10, Part 2 - Witch Finder

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Joel - So, we split up, and I end up with Thomas, Phil and Lizzie, so I'm in a pretty good group, and we go to the bell tower.

As the group entered the bell tower, they found a young girl with red hair sitting beneath the huge, golden bell, looking out onto the courtyard. As she heard the guests approaching, she turned around and saw them. Upon seeing them, she stood up and ran back.
"Who are you? How did you find me?" she asked. The guests looked at her with sadness. She looked no older than ten or eleven, and she was covered in burn marks, like she had been burned at the stake.
"We're here to help you," Thomas said, softly, "we want to free you."
She looked a little more at ease, even curious.
"Who sent you?" she asked.
"One of our friends, who knows about what happened to you," Lizzie replied.
"You can help me?" her face lit up, "Thank you! My name is Emily. That horrible old witch finder had me burned for witchcraft because my mother was hanged for it. They thought they needed to kill whole families just in case if one person was found guilty. But I know my mother was innocent!"
"I'm sure she was. I don't think witchcraft is real, so she must have been," Joel said. Emily smiled a little.
"How do we free you? What do we need to do?" Joel asked.
"My doll. When I was taken here, I had my doll with me, but they took her away from me. She's still in the dungeons, I think," Emily said, "she has blonde hair and blue eyes, like my mother."
"Okay, we'll go there, and we won't come back until we have your doll," Phil said.
"Her name is Elizabeth," Emily said.
"We'll find Elizabeth for you," Thomas said. The group left and headed for the dungeons to find Elizabeth.


Mark, Lilly, Willow and Rosanna headed for the library to find the ghost they were looking for. As they walked in, they saw a red headed young man, barely more than a teenager, looking through the books on a shelf. As he looked away from the books, he saw the guests.
"Hello, who are you?" he asked them.
"We're here to help you," Willow said.
"We were sent to free you," Lilly explained.
"How are you going to do that?" he asked.
"We were actually hoping you could tell us that," Mark said, "we just know we need to free you."
"I think I know what you might need to do," he said, "my name is William, I was wrongfully burned at the stake for witchcraft, along with my younger sister, Emily. My entire family was burned for crimes my mother didn't commit. To free me, I think you need to find my journal. It was leather bound, had my initials on the front cover, W.B, I think it's in the infirmary. I know it's rather an odd place to put a journal, and I don't know why it's there, but I believe it to be there."
"We'll find your journal for you, I promise you that, and then you'll be free," Mark said.
"Thank you," he replied. With that, the group left him in the library to look at other books.


Dan, Oli, Zoe and Tiffany were the final group.

Dan - So, we get sent to the kitchen to find the ghost, and I'm honestly just wondering why there's a ghost in the kitchen.

The group walked in and saw a young woman standing next to the window. They immediately noticed her red hair and shrinking blue eyes. She saw them walk in.
"Who are you? How did you find me?" she asked.
"We were sent to free you from the house," Zoe explained, "can you tell us how we do that?"
"You need to find my locket. It was pure silver, a family heirloom. It was the shape of an oval," she said, "and my name is Anne, Anne Boswell. My brother and sister are somewhere in this house, I hope they can be freed too."
"Actually, our friends are working on freeing them," Oli said, "maybe you can be together in the afterlife."
"I'd like that," Anne said.
"We'll free you, and our friends will free your siblings," Dan said. Anne smiled at him, and the group turned to leave.
"Wait, where is the locket?" Tiffany asked.
"Oh, it's in the living room," she said.
"Thank you," Tiffany said as the group left the room.


"Okay, where will the doll be?" Joel asked.
"There's a doll in here," Lizzie said. There was an old, wooden cabinet with glass panels, and the doll sat in it. There was a chain around the handles, and a padlock kept it shut.
"So, we need a key for it," Thomas said, "so it must be here somewhere."
"Everyone start looking, we might be lucky find it quickly," Phil said. The group began to search the dungeons for the key.


Mark - So we were told to come to the infirmary and find this journal, which we think will be easy, and we get there and realise it won't be.

The group walked in to find that the beds had been turned to the side to make room for a pile of books lying in the middle of the room.
"He said his initials were W.B, and it was leather bound, so we need to find that," Rosanna reminded everyone.
"Well, we should probably start looking," Willow said.
"Yeah, the sooner we start, the sooner we find it," Lilly added. The group knelt around the pile and started looking for the journal.


"It was in here the whole time," Oli said as he walked into the living room.
"Yeah, maybe one of us found it earlier and didn't realise we needed it," Zoe said.
"What are you doing back here?" Lauren asked. She and Alex looked at the group, a little confused
"We need to find something," Tiffany said.
"It's this silver locket," Dan added.


As the groups tried to free the ghosts, the witch finder set up a stake. One of them was going to die, and they were going to choose who it was. One of them would die to satisfy the dark spirit, and himself. He loved nothing more than watching someone die in agony.

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