Episode 16, Part 4 - The Statues Live

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Phil and Willow followed Alex and Lauren outside, neither of them wanting to say anything. The statue was waiting for them as Alex and Lauren backed away.
"You will hide from me. If I find you once, you are in danger, twice, I will kill you," the statue said.

Willow - We have 30 seconds to find a good hiding spot, then the statue will try and find us. We have a band that we have to wear, and we need to give it to him if he finds us, and it's almost like a safety net. While we have it, we're safe.

The statue froze, and Willow and Phil dashed to find hiding spots. Phil hid behind the hedge, and Willow hid behind the biggest, furthest away tree she could find.

Willow - I realise how much of a disadvantage I'm at because I have a huge dress on. Brilliant.

They both heard the statue come to live and start walking around to try and find them. Phil held his breath as the statue walked past him. He ducked just out of view, and managed to avoid being spotted. He let out a silent sigh of relief. The statue walked forward and Willow attempted to hide, but the statue saw her dress. He appeared in front of her, and she was forced to give him her bands. They watched the statue return to his place and freeze.

The two of them ran to find new hiding spots. This time, Phil ran towards the gazebo, and Willow ducked behind the fountain situated behind the knight. Time passed, and the knight started moving. Willow watched him. He didn't turn around. Phil hid behind the gazebo, praying that he wouldn't be found. He heard the statue coming near him. He could hear his heart beating quicker and quicker. He saw the statue appear before him. He had to give the statue his band.

Phil - I'm getting really scared, I need a good hiding spot or I'm dead. Then I remember Zoe finding the flower for Athena, and I know where to hide.

The statue returned to his place and froze again. Phil found the gap in the hedge and crawled into it. The area inside was big enough for him to fit inside comfortably enough. Willow watched Phil disappear, and hid behind the hedge, where Phil had earlier.

Willow - I see Phil hiding, and he found an amazing hiding spot. At this point, I'm almost definitely sure I'm dead, there's no way the statue will find Phil.

They heard the statue start to move. Phil didn't move as it walked past him. He could feel his heart rate quicken as he watched the statue walk past him. Willow heard the statue approach her. She could hear her heart beat. She was shaking with fear. Soon, the statue approached her. He drew his sword. She stumbled back, into Phil's view. She walked backwards, trying to avoid the statue, whispering "no, no, no" as he walked closer to her. Wordlessly, he stabbed her in the gut. Phil gasped as he watched. Willow's strength began to leaver her and she coughed up blood. The statues pulled his sword out of her gut and slashed her chest. With that final blow, Willow was dead. Her blood began to stain her dress, her skin and the grass. The statue returned to his place and froze a final time.

Phil crawled out of his hiding spot and ran back to the castle. Alex and Lauren lead him back to the break room. He saw that the totem piece had been lit up as he sat down, not saying a word, not looking like he wanted to talk.

Thomas - I feel awful for Phil, his best friend just died, then he watched his ally die. He's been through a lot.

The group sat there, wondering who the next lieutenant would be and what horrid challenge they might devise for them to suffer through.

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