Episode 18, Part 4 - The Spirit Of The Castle

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The spirit was in the room with them.
"You have half an hour to translate this exorcism spell into Latin and perform the exorcism. I will only kill one of you as I die."

Without a words Lizzie and Thomas stared translating the spell into Latin.

Foul spirit, you are banished from this plane. Haunt these halls no more.

The two guests had a small dictionary in front of them, and they quickly wrote down the spell in the correct language.

Thomas - I'm translating this spell, and I realise that I don't see the things we collected for this exact purpose, so I have no idea what's going on because our instructions say we need them.

They kept translating the spell as quickly as they could, but were both fully aware that they couldn't perform the exorcism without the holy water, rosary or bible. They both saw an empty table in the middle of the room, presumably where the exorcism supplies were meant to be, and they had to hope that someone would bring the supplies to them.


Zoe and Joel watched Lizzie and Thomas vanish from the break room, dropping the bibles as they left.
"We need to take the stuff to them. They can't banish the spirit without this stuff," Joel said. He grabbed the holy water and a bible, while Zoe grabbed the rosary and the other bible. They ran out of the break room, before realising they didn't know where they were going.

"Joey, if there was ever a time we needed you, it's right now," Zoe said.
"They're in the master bedroom, I'll give you directions. Go up the stairs," Joey said.
"Follow me," Zoe said to Joel. He followed her up the stairs, but she paused at the top.
"Third door on the left," Joey said. Zoe took off towards the left door, and Joel followed her. She tried to open the door, but it was locked. Joel tried to help as well, but they couldn't open the door.


Thomas and Lizzie heard Joel and Zoe outside, trying to get inside. They sped up, trying to translate the spell, when Thomas finished. The door opened, and Zoe and Joel stumbled in.
"Put the supplies on the table," the spirit said. Zoe and Joel put the holy water and rosary on the table, but gave the bibles to Lizzie and Thomas for protection. Thomas picked up the bible, and read the instructions.

Wear the rosary as you douse the demon on holy water and recite the incantation.

He picked up his translation, and quickly put the rosary on. As Lizzie agonised over the translation, he picked up the holy water and pulled the cork out.

Lizzie - I'm trying to translate this spell, and its really difficult. Then I look up and see that Thomas is about to perform the exorcism. I just grab the bible and hope that it will be enough to save me.

Thomas threw the holy water at the spirit and recited the spell:
"Spiritus turpi es ex agro planum est. Hi fuerat vel Arcanum Mortis," he cried.

The spirit let out an anguished cry and it moved towards Lizzie. As it did, the bible flew from Lizzie's trembling hands, it engulfed her and she began to choke. She coughed and spluttered, but she died, and the spirit erupted in white light, blinding the guests. When they looked back, the spirit was gone, but Lizzie was dead. Tears fell from Joel's eyes as he saw Lizzie's body. Suddenly though, she sat bolt upright. She turned to face the other guests, and opened her eyes. Pitch black. She snarled at them, and they stepped back, away from her. She stood up, and the guests ran out the door, slamming it shut behind them. They ran for the break room, but Phil was waiting for them. His head was dented, and was sitting on his body at an unnatural angle. The guests ran outside, towards the door, but it was locked. They were trapped, and the dead were coming to life.

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