Episode 17, Part 3 - Betrayal Of The Castle

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Lizzie was in the eastern tower, in the same room Dan was thrown from.

Lizzie - There are a ton of books here, so I think someone might hide a journal here.

She scoured the shelves looked everywhere she could think of. She opened cabinets and drawers, hoping to find something, but nothing was there. She looked around the room again, and saw the cells, with the doors wide open. Cautiously, she walked into the cell Thomas was kept in. The door stayed open behind her. She looked around in there and found the journal with an ink pot and quill pen sitting next to it. Lizzie signed the journal on the front page and, before she could pick it up, she watched her initials being carved into the front cover.
"That's weird," she said. She carefully picked the notebook up and left the room.


Zoe went to the training grounds. They hadn't been there in a long time, and she suspected the spirit may have hidden something here. She looked around, not knowing exactly where to look. Joey's blood still stained the sand on the ground, but she ignored it as best she could.

Zoe - I have a feeling something might be here, but I don't remember this place very well, so it might be completely wrong.

She looked around the spectator area they had watched Joey's death from, and soon came across the journal, along with a pot of ink and a feather quill. She quickly signed her name in the book, eager to leave the training grounds. Joey's death was too gruesome for her to think about right now. She picked up the journal, and it began to heat up. She looked at it as her initials were carved into the front of it. She looked at the book, confused, then set off for the garden.


The group all met up at the doors to the garden, and they went back to the purple circle. Joel collected everyone's books and placed them in the circle. The group watched as they vanished.
"What just happened?" Lizzie asked.
"I don't know," Thomas replied.
"I think I should talk to this gargoyle again," Joel said. He stepped back into the circle.

"You've done well, mortal," the gargoyle said.
"What do we do now?"
"You will vote on two who will be sent to the bell tower. The challenge will await you there."
Joel stepped out of the circle.
"We need to vote again," Joel said, "oh, and if the break room looks like someone broke in, I was looking for the journal there. Found it in the first room I looked in. I was happy."
"That's weird, I found my journal in the first room I searched as well," Lizzie said.
"Me too. And has anyone else noticed, we quite often meet up right outside wherever we need to go after finding something. No matter where we were or how long it takes to find what we're looking for or how far we are away, we always end up together," Thomas said.
"This whole castle is weird. Things that make no sense are right at home here," Zoe said. The group walked back to the break room, Phil trudging along behind them.

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