Episode 18, Part 1 - The Spirit Of The Castle

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Previously on Escape The Night, the remaining guests met a gargoyle and were forced to betray one of their own. Lizzie and Joel, feeling that he had given up, chose to betray Phil.

"The final lieutenant is the dark spirit himself. The tools to release him are within the walls of the castle, and it cuts off there," Lizzie said.
"What?" Zoe asked.
"It looks like someone stopped writing after this, like someone physically stopped them from writing another word," Lizzie said. The guests heard a noise, like wind passing under a door. When they looked up, Alex and Lauren were gone.
"Where did they go?" Thomas asked.
"Maybe they were freed, but no one died," Joel said. Suddenly, the door opened, and the spirit floated into the room. The remaining guests barely reacted, they were used to something bursting through the door by now.
"I have released your helpers from the castle. You are on your own now, my guests," the spirit said.
"We're not afraid of you," Thomas said, "and we're getting out of this house alive."
"You speak bravely. It is almost admirable, and you will escape this house," the spirit said, "in coffins."
"We're going to live," Lizzie said. The spirit laughed, and left.

Just then, a young, noble looking man walked into the room. He looked a little confused, and like he hadn't slept in weeks.
"Hello, are you the guests the spirit invited?" the man asked.
"Who are you?" Joel asked.
"My name is Francis. I regret to inform you that I am the one who summoned the spirit here. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I swear to you, I didn't. I want to try and right the wrongs I've caused," Francis explained, "I know how to defeat it, I was trying to write it in my notebook when it dragged me away to another plane of existence. I only just managed to return, and I want to help you."

Joel - I don't trust this guy.

"You're the reason all this happened?" Joel asked. Francis nodded.
"So why should we trust you?" Zoe asked, "you could be working with it."
"Why would I tell you that I summoned the spirit if I was going to help him. I'd want you to trust me, at least this way if you trust me, it'll be because of my honesty," Francis said. There was genuine remorse for what he'd done in his eyes.
"I think we can trust him," Thomas said, "he admitted that he's the reason for all of this, why would he do that if he was working for the spirit?"
"I agree with Thomas. And we don't have much of a choice anyway, he's our only hope, he knows how to defeat the spirit," Lizzie said.
"Yeah, I guess we should trust him," Joel said.
"Wait, did you say you wrote the notebook with all the lieutenants?" Zoe asked.
"I did," Francis replied, "I know it wasn't much, but I wanted to try and help. And I didn't know too much about the lieutenants, I only wrote what I knew for certain. I do hope it was useful."
"It really was," Lizzie said..
"Anyway, I can show you what you need to defeat him. Please come with me," Francis said as he left the room. The guests, with no other choice, followed him.


"You have to be quiet. The spirit will be looking for us, you can't let it see you," Francis whispered behind him. He quietly lead the guests to the infirmary, and silently shut the door behind him.
"We need to find holy water, luckily, I think I remember where it is," Francis walked to a wooden panel on the wall and knocked on it.
"Hold the door," he said. The guests stood by the door, keeping it shut, as Francis loudly ripped the panel off the wall.

Lizzie - He told us to be quiet, and he just makes a ton of noise, so I really hope he finds the holy water, because I'll kill him myself if he doesn't.

Francis pulled a small, half full glass bottle from the space behind the panel.
"Is that the holy water, because if it isn't, you've just made a lot of noise for no reason," Joel said.
"It is the holy water. I'll keep hold of any items we find that we need to exorcise the spirit," Francis said.
"You never said anything about and exorcism," Thomas said.
"It is a demonic spirit, it is the only way to banish it. We need to find two bibles and a rosary, and then we can banish the spirit forever. We need to go to the library to find the bibles, then to a bedroom to find the rosary," Francis explained, "I'm sorry, it is the only way," he added, seeing the looks on the guests' faces. They quietly opened the door and crept out of the infirmary and headed for the library.

"You dare try to banish me," the spirit appeared before them. He flew towards Francis, engulfing him in smoke. Francis screamed and choked until he fell to the floor, presumably dead.
"Try to banish me, my guests, for it shall be doomed to failure. And even if by some miracle you succeed, it will not be without consequence," it said before vanishing. The guests stood in shock for a moment, staring at Francis' body.

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