Episode 2, Part 2 - A Royal Visit

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"Well, this is happening again," Willow said sadly.
"Let's talk about this," Joe suggested. The guests broke off into groups.

Joey, Thomas, Lauren, Lilly, Mark
"Who do we vote for?" Mark asked.
"I think maybe Nate. He really hasn't done much," said Lilly.

Lilly - I know I'm being ruthless, but I just don't wanna die.

"I guess," Thomas said.
"Sure," Mark mumbled.
"You ok, Mark?" Lauren asked.
"He's my friend, I don't wanna vote for him," Mark said.
"Don't forget Phil. He hasn't done much either," Lilly said.
"Yeah," Mark said.

Dan, Phil, Willow, Lizzie, Sean
"What do we do?" Phil asked, "I think I heard someone mention me."
"Maybe, Nate. He hasn't done too much," Lizzie said.
"Don't forget about Stacy. She hasn't done too much either," Dan said.
"True," Willow said.
"It has to be one of them," Jack said.
"Just don't vote for Phil," Dan said. They share a smile.

Willow - OTP

"Ok. I wasn't intending to, anyway," Lizzie said.

Nate, Oli, Tiffany, Rosanna, Callum
"Honestly, Phil has to go. He has not helped us out. Actually, neither has Stacy," Oli keeps glancing at Nate as he talks.

Nate - I know Oli want to vote for me, Phil or Stacy, but I don't know who he'll choose.

"I honestly don't know. I'm thinking maybe we should get rid of the strong people first. They're the biggest threat and I'd rather go up against Phil or Stacy than someone like Joey. He knows what he's doing," Rosanna said.
"Good point, but I think we need him for a while. We can vote for him later if we need to," Callum said.
"True," Rosanna said.
"Have we all decided?" asked Nate. The group nodded.

Joel, Zoe, Sasha, Stacy
"I think we vote for Phil and Nate. They've done the least, they should prove themselves," Stacy said.
"You're right. They gotta go," Joey said, a little to aggressively.
"Ok, if you guys think we should," Sasha said.

Zoe - I honestly want to vote for Phil, Nate or Stacy. They need to help out more. I know I haven't been the most helpful lately, but I think I've managed to fly under the radar this time, but I will have to help out more.

"Everyone, its time to vote. Oli, you go first," Alex said. Oli walked up to the front and gave Alex one of Phil's cards.
"I hate this," Dan moaned.
"It'll all be over soon," Willow said, more for her benefit that anything else.
"It still sucks. I really don't like voting on my friends," Thomas said.
"We'll have to deal with it for now. Just pretend they aren't dead. Pretend they've been transported to the future or something," Willow said.
"Does that work?" Phil asked, surprised.
"Its the only thing keeping me sane," Willow admitted.

One by one, the guests voted. It felt like an eternity for all the guests. They just wanted to know what was happening.

Phil - I'm really nervous because I feel like people will vote for me because I heard my name being mentioned a lot.

Nate - I haven't done a lot so I'm honestly expecting to be chosen.

Stacy - I really hope no one realises that I haven't done much.

Lauren shuffled the cards and drew one.


Phil stared at the ground. Dan looked horrified, and also like he wanted to commit murder. The group exchanged looks and whispers, and quite a few people couldn't look Phil in the eye.

Dan - I'm literally going to kill whoever voted for Phil. He is a good person who doesn't deserve this. *looks into camera* Whoever voted for him is gonna pay if he doesn't come back.


He didn't look too surprised, but the group were. They exchanged glances and a few people faked gasps.

"Its time to go. I'm sorry," Alex said sincerely. Phil and Nate got up and followed Alex and Lauren. Their footsteps faded away.
"Ok, who the hell voted for Phil!" Dan shouted, making a few people jump. A few people shared guilty glances.

Stacy - We had to vote for someone, and I think Phil has to prove himself. I feel horrible now.

Zoe - Now I feel like a horrible person.

"Why!? He's a good person! He shouldn't do this damn challenge!" Dan fell back in the couch and stared up at the ceiling.

Willow - I really hope Phil comes back. Not that I want Nate to die, since I voted for him and my sanity can't handle that, but I really don't want to see what Dan will do if Phil doesn't come back.

"What do we do now?" Callum asked.
"We wait," Lilly said.

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