Episode 11, Part 4 - Grubs Up

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Lilly and Joel followed Alex and Lauren to the kitchen, where the chef was waiting for them.
"Ah, my two victims. Your challenge is simple. I need another vial of poison, and you will help me make it," the chef said, "your recipe is on the table and the ingredients are scattered around the house. You may begin."
Lilly and Joel both grabbed their recipes and read the first ingredient.

Step 1 - Collect a half full glass bottle with dark green from the place of sickness.

They both ran towards the infirmary and started looking desperately for the glass bottle with dark green.

Lilly - I have no idea what a glass bottle with dark green is, so when I find a dark green glass bottle with some liquid inside it, I grab it.

Lilly grabbed a dark green glass bottle, as Joel looked for his. He pushed some bottles to the side and found a bottle filled with a dark green liquid. They both read their next instruction quickly.

Step 2 - A herb of the wise one will help your poison. It is in the place of nature all here can enjoy.

"Where is this herb?" Lilly asked.
"It might be in the garden. What's the herb of a wise one?" Joel asked.
"Sage, maybe," Lilly said. The two of them raced to the garden and started looking for sage. Eventually, they both found the same sage plant and pulled a leaf from the plant and put it into the bottle. They both read the next step.

Step 3 - A drop from the water outside the castle must be added.

The two of them immediately knew where to go. They ran towards the moat and knelt down next to it, ignoring the wreckage of Sasha's boat. They filled the bottle up with a little water from the moat. Joel's mixture started to form bubbles.

Step 4 - Return to the one who sent you on this quest.

They ran towards the kitchen and the chef was waiting for them, along with Alex and Lauren.
"I see you have both made potions, let us see which one is poisoned," the chef took both potions and gave one to each of her guards. They drank them. The guard who drank Joel's potion began coughing, he started coughing up blood as he fell to the floor, and died a painful death. Both Joel and Lilly looked horrified. Joel because he just watched someone die because of his actions, and Lilly because she knew she was going to die. The chef looked at Joel, a pleased look on his face.
"You have done well, boy," the chef turned his attention to Lilly, "but you failed in a simple task. With dark green meant with dark green liquid inside the bottle. And now, you must pay the price."

The chef grabbed a large butcher's knife and walked towards Lilly. She scrambled back, but she hit the wall. Joel could see the fear in her eyes as the chef drew closer. He stabbed her in the gut with his knife, over and over again. Lilly grew weaker and weaker, soon she was on the brink of death, but he continued to stab her. Joel watched on in horror as he saw the life drain from Lilly's eyes as her guts fell out. Soon though, the chef stood back, and Lilly's lifeless body fell to the floor. He reached into his pocket and held out the totem piece to Joel. He took it from his bloodstained hand.  Alex and Lauren ushered him out of the room, and he was only too happy to follow.

Joel - I just watched two people die pretty horrible deaths. One of them was my friends, and the other one was poisoned by the poison I made. This has been a really horrible challenge.


Joel walked back into the break room, much to Lizzie's delight. He put the totem onto the tower and sat down next to Lizzie.
"That one was really rough," Joel said.
"At least we're getting closer to the end of this," Willow said. The group stared vacantly at the totem tower, just waiting for the night to be over.

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