Episode 17, Part 2 - Betrayal Of The Castle

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Phil wandered around in the bell tower, half heartedly trying to find the journal. As soon as they dispersed, he ran up to the bell tower, hoping to put as much distance between himself and the other guests. He didn't want to talk to them. He didn't want to do this anymore. It was all too much for him, so much had happened, and he still couldn't process that he was never going to see his best friend again. All the death caught up to him when he saw that Dan didn't return. He was just about to give up looking for the book, when he saw it out of the corner of his eye, sitting next to an ink pot and quill pen. He opened the book to the first page, picked up the quill and wrote his name down. He waited for the ink to dry before closing the book. He went to leave, but the book became very hot. Phil dropped it instinctively, and saw that his initials were carved onto the front cover of the journal. Not questioning anything as this night had been anything but normal, he picked up the journal and left the room.


Thomas went to the dungeons, checking in each cell as he walked past it.
"Is it even in here?" Thomas whispered to himself as he walked around the dungeons. As he was about to lose hope, he reached the pathway outside they had found when trying to escape the executioner. He peeked into it, and saw the notebook lying on the floor, next to a pot of ink and a quill pen.

Thomas - It's like Harry Potter!

He knelt down and wrote his name in the journal. As he closed the book and picked it up, he felt it getting very hot. He dropped the journal and watched as his initials were carved onto the front cover.
"How did that happen?" Thomas asked himself. He picked up the journal and headed back to the garden.


Joel wandered around the ground floor aimlessly, hoping that he might find the journal somewhere. He ended up wandering into the break room and looking around in there.

Joel - I really have no idea where to look, so I end up just wandering around the break room hoping that I find it in here.

He started looking around, pulling out drawers and opening previously untouched cabinets, until he finally found the journal with an ink pot and feather quill. Quickly, he signed his name in the book and closed the book.
"Joel? What are you doing in here?" Lauren asked from behind him. He turned around to see Alex and Lauren in the doorway.
"Looking for the journal," Joel replied, "what about you?"
"We come in here to set up the tarot cards for voting," Alex explained.
"Oh. Anyway, I need to get this back to the garden. I'll see you when we need to vote," Joel said. He grabbed the journal and ran out of the room.

Joel - I really hope everyone else has found their journals, it could prove to be really difficult.

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