Episode 5, Part 3 - The Dark Side Of War

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The group sat down and looked around the room.
"Do you guys want to split into groups or just discuss it here. We're not talking about anyone who's here," Oli said.
"Yeah, why not," Willow said.
"So, who do we save and why?" Phil asked.
"I honestly think we should save Thomas. He's the only one who's already done a challenge," Dan said.
"Yeah, he's proven himself. Rosanna and Joey still need to," Tiffany said.

Willow - I am so glad that the group wants to save Thomas. My ally is safe. But I do feel bad for Ro, and I hope she lives.

"Are we sure? I think Joey has some information he isn't telling us and I want to find out what he's hiding," Lizzie said.
"I think he might be possessed or something. His eyes turn black if he says something evil," Joe said.
"Well, that's good to know. He's been possessed by the castle, probably," Joel said.

"Do you want to put it to a vote, or are you unanimous?" Lauren asked.
"I think we're unanimous," Lauren replied.
"Then lets go," Alex said. The guests followed Alex and Lauren out of the room and back to the battle arena.


Upon the guest's return, the knight smirked.
"Have you made your decision?" she asked. Now, Thomas, Rosanna and Joey were locked in their own separate rooms.
"Yes," Alex stepped forward as a spokesperson, "based on the fact that he is the only one to have competed in a challenge, the group have chosen to save Thomas."
"Release him," a knight released Thomas from his cage and he ran back to the other guests.
"And now, the games will begin. A spot has been reserved for you to watch from," the knight pointed to two rows of seats. The guests took the hint and took their seats to watch the challenge.

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