Episode 19, Part 2 - The Dead Aren't Dead

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The guests made it to the main door and Zoe unlocked the first lock. The key vanished, along with the lock.
"What just happened?" Zoe asked, "is the door even unlocked?"
"I don't know," Thomas replied. The writing on the note vanished, then new text appeared on it.

The door has been unlocked. I will take the keys away so no one can lock the door again. The next key is in the place of sickness and health.

"The place of sickness and health: the infirmary," Joel said. The guests looked around, checking for zombies, and when they knew the coast was clear, they made an run for the infirmary. They had to hide a few times, the first time from Joe and Sasha, who was dripping wet and the second time from Sean, who had a large wound and an arrow sticking out of him, Stacy, who looked like she had been ripped apart rather savagely, and Mark, who was forced to carry his head around. Once they made it past all the zombies, they snuck up the stairs, and were met with Joe and Rosanna, who's neck was sitting at the wrong angle.

"I've got this one," Thomas said, "just follow me for a minute."
Thomas ran down the stairs, swiftly followed by Zoe and Joel, who were swiftly followed by Rosanna and Joe.

Thomas - I have a plan to distract the zombies, so I have an exact route I need to take for it to work, but nothing seems to be blocking our path.

They quickly turned a corner that Thomas lead them down as part of his plan.
"Duck in there," Thomas said as he pointed to an alcove in the wall. Joel and Zoe ducked into it as Thomas kept running. Zoe and Joel watched as Joe and Rosanna ran past them towards Thomas. They ran back to the infirmary and started looking around for the key.


Thomas ran around the castle a little bit, even running outside. Like Zoe, a few zombies turned into a hoarde. Oli, Sasha, Tiffany, Dan, who looked exactly like he'd been thrown from a tower, and Lizzie, who's skin was an unnatural grey where the spirit had touched her.

Thomas - This is way harder than it looks. I'm trying to distract them, but I have to get back to Joel and Zoe after this. This is really terrifying, I feel like I might die like this.

Thomas kept running. He could feel his legs burning as he raced back into the castle. He managed to outrun most of them, they had stopped chasing him, but he was met at the door by Phil. He grabbed Thomas's arm, and he couldn't wriggle free as Phil bit him. Thomas cried out in pain as he managed to escape Phil's grasp and run towards the infirmary.


Zoe and Joel searched the room for anything that might be useful.
"Here's a not, attached to this syringe," Joel said, a little confused.

The key will present itself when you speak the password and when you are cured.

"Okay, so we need a password and to cure one of us," Joel said.
"What do we need to cure? Maybe its referring to curing me of my possession, but Joey would be really helpful right now," Zoe said.
"Why don't you ask him to tell us the password?" Joel asked.
"I already tried asking him for help. He didn't respond, it was really weird. It was almost like he couldn't," Zoe remarked.
"Well, then, we need to find it. Maybe this syringe has something to do with it," Joel said. The two started looking around the room for anything useful.

"I think I found something," Zoe said. She picked up a note with a riddle written on it.

The answer to the riddle is the password. I make two people out of one. What am I?

Joel muttered the riddle to himself again, while Zoe looked at the riddle, trying to solve it. Just then, their concentration was broken by Thomas bursting into the room and slamming the door shut.
"Phil bit me," he said.

Joel - Not a sentence I ever thought I'd hear but okay.

"Maybe this is the cure, maybe that's the syringe," Zoe said, "in fact, scratch that, I know I it is."
"How do you know?" Joel asked.
"I can just see Joey smiling in my head. I'm right, I know I am," Zoe said. She grabbed the syringe and plunged it into Thomas's arm, near his bite wound.
"Ow," he said. Ignoring him, she pushed the plunger down, and the guests watched as the wound began to heal before them. She pulled the syringe out and put it back onto the table.
"Thanks," Thomas said, staring at his arm.
"Can you help us solve this riddle," Zoe asked.
"Yeah," Thomas replied. He read the note and started thinking.

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