Episode 10, Part 4 - Witch Finder

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"I see you have freed those repulsive children I rightfully executed so long ago, but now one of you must die," he said, "I can sense the witch among you. The cards will tell me which one of you turned your back on God and worshipped the devil."
Lauren and Alex entered the courtyard, with the voting cards.
"Time to expose the witch among you," the witch finder said. Alex and Lauren looked to the guests, sadness in their eyes.
"I'm sorry," Alex whispered. The guests turned to look at each other to choose who to vote for, no one making eye contact with anyone

"Guys, why don't we just vote for ourselves. That way it's fair and I don't want to condemn someone to death by burning," Lizzie said. The group agreed.
"And we show each other the card so we know everyone is telling the truth," Lilly suggested.
"Yeah that's fair," Lizzie said.
"Shall we vote then?" Joel asked.
"I guess so," Rosanna said.

One by one, the guests voted for themselves, each showing their card as proof. As each of the guests voted, they handed the card to Lauren. The witch finder then snatched the cards from her hands.
"I will have the credit for finding the witch," he said. As he took over from Lauren, some of his men appeared from behind the stake. The guests continued to vote for themselves. Once everyone had voted and stepped back, he shuffled the cards. He drew the top card, and showed it to his men.
"Burn the witch," he commanded. The men stepped towards the group, and they scrambled back in fear, clinging onto one another for dear life.

Tiffany cried out in panic and fear as two of the men grabbed her and pulled her away from Lizzie. The guests made a move to help her, but the other men held them back. They had no choice but to watch as their friend was taken away to be burned at the steak.

The men dragged Tiffany to the steak, and struggled to tie her to it as she was fighting for her life the whole time. Eventually, they managed to tie her to the steak, and the witch finder prepared to light the fire as Tiffany pleaded for her life.
"Please, I'm innocent, I'm not a witch," she said through tears. Emotionlessly, the witch finder lit the fire. The guests were forced to watch as Tiffany was slowly burned alive. Her screams could be heard echoing throughout the courtyard. After what felt like an eternity, her screams grew weaker, and she started coughing when she was engulfed in smoke. Eventually, her coughs grew weaker, and stopped, and the guests knew she was dead. They stopped fighting to save her. They gave up.
"We have done the Lord's work, we may now leave," the witch finder said. He and him men left Tiffany on the stake as the fire still blazed around her. The group followed Alex and Lauren back to the living room, defeated. Some were in tears, some just barely keeping it together, and all of them just wishing the night would be over and done with.

"This night is just going to get worse and worse, isn't it," Rosanna said.
"I'm afraid so, but it can't get much worse than watching Tiffany burn alive," Willow said, giving no comfort.
"We just need to survive the night, get through all this. It'll be fine if we can just survive," Dan said. The group fell into silence as they contemplated the rest of the night, and their inevitable deaths.

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