Episode 17, Part 1 - Betrayal Of The Castle

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Previously on Escape The Night, the guests revived the statue of a knight to give them their challenge. Phil and Willow had to hide from him. Willow was found, and Phil watched her die, breaking his spirit further.

The group sat in silence, everyone worrying for Phil. A lot had happened to him over the past few hours, and he didn't seem to be coping well. How could he, though?

Lizzie - There are not many of us left, and I'm getting more and more worried. There's more of a chance of being chosen now. And I'm also worried about Phil, he's really not coping well anymore.

"Should we just try and power through the rest of the night?" Joel asked.
"I think we should," Zoe said. Lizzie took the notebook and found the right page.
"The next lieutenant is a gargoyle, given life by the spirit. He watches the garden and sees everything that happens there, almost like a guardian," Lizzie read, "you can communicate with him telepathically from a spot in the garden, but only one guest can do this."
"I guess we go to the garden," Zoe said.
"I'll do the telepathic thing as well," Joel said. The group got up and left, with Phil trailing behind them.

Zoe - I feel like Phil might have given up after everything that's happened. To be honest, I'm not surprised, but he really needs to pull his weight.

The group walked out into the garden, followed by Alex and Lauren. There was a glowing purple circle near the fountain, but the guests also saw Willow's corpse. The blood hadn't started to dry out yet, though it had stopped flowing out of her wound by now. Phil hardly looked at her corpse, not wanting to think about her anymore. The others couldn't look away. They didn't know if they were paying their respects or simply unable to look away from the gruesome sight. Tearing his view away, Joel stepped into the glowing circle.

"Hello, mortal, you have chosen to speak with me. What do you wish to know?" Joel heard a voice in his head.
"How do we find the next totem piece?" Joel thought.
"Ha ha ha. It will not be easy. You must all split up and look for a leather bound journal. There are five scattered around the castle. You must find them, write your names in them and bring them here. Place them in the circle and I will instruct you from there," the gargoyle said to him, "step out of the circle and tell your friends what I told you."
Joel stepped out of the circle and turned to face the group.
"We need to find five journals around the castle and write our names in them, then bring them back here," Joel explained.
"Did he say where to go?" Lizzie asked.
"No, we have to find them ourselves," Joel said.
"Then let's not waste time, the sun's going to come up soon," Thomas said. The group dispersed to find the books.

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