Episode 5, Part 4 - The Dark Side Of War

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Rosanna - I'm a little nervous about this. I've never used a sword before, so this will be an experience.

Joey - I'm really nervous for this challenge, I've never used a sword in real life and we're going up against highly trained knights. I'm not feeling good about this.

Rosanna and Joey were freed from their cages and were given swords.
"Don't worry, they are not real. The aim of this challenge is to defeat two of my trainee knights in a fight. You will do this by hitting them in the chest with the sword. They will attempt to do the same to you. The winner will be the person who defeats two knights first. I will kill the loser. I will also kill you if you break any rules, that goes for the knights as well. Take your positions," the knight said. Rosanna and Joey took their positions, and two knights took their positions in front of the guests.


Rosanna and Joey began fighting the knights. Rosanna tried to be more defensive, whereas Joey was going in all guns blazing. The guests were close enough to notice something odd about him.
"His eyes are turning black," Lauren said.
"He must be possessed by something," Joe said.
"Maybe whatever is haunting this house possessed Joey too," Dan said.

Dan - Yep, definitely not trusting Joey right now.

Joey and Rosanna kept fighting, until Rosanna landed a hit. The knight bowed to her and left.
"Nicely done!"
"Good job, Ro!"
"That was awesome!"

Joey was still fighting, until the knight hit his chest.
"Nearly Joey!"
"You can get him next time!"
"Tough luck!"

The knight left and two new knights stood in front of Rosanna and Joey.


The two fought valiantly, but these knights were more of a challenge. One managed to land a hit on Rosanna.
"Bad luck, Ro!"
"Keep going! You can beat the next one!"

Joey was still fighting his knight, when his eyes turned from black to red, and he impaled the knight. Blood spurted from the wound as he fell to the floor. His eyes went back to normal as he realised what he did.
"Oh my god. Did I do that?" he looked at the bloody sword, then at the knight's body.

"You are free to go," the knight said to Rosanna. She gave Rosanna the totem, and she dropped her sword and ran towards the group.
"As for you," the knight drew her sword.
"No!" Joey cried. He backed up a little until he hit a wall. The knight raised her sword and brought it down on Joey's head. He split in half. As he did, black smoke escaped his body and vanished into thin air.

The knight turned to the guests, bowed, and left the battle arena.
"What the hell just happened?" Willow asked.
"I think whatever was possessing Joey has escaped," Joe said.
"We should head back inside now," Alex said. The slightly traumatised guests followed Alex and Lauren back into the house, trying not to look at Joey or step in his blood.


Rosanna put the totem onto the tower and sat down with the guests. They sat in silence for a few moments, until there was a knock on the door...

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