Episode 3, Part 1 - Revolt

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Previously on Escape The Night, the guests were visited by an evil queen. Nate and Phil were voted into the challenge. In an unexpected turn of events, Nate won but was killed by the queen.

The peasants ran into the room as the guests ran through another door and split off into smaller groups as Alex and Lauren tried to fend the peasants off.

Zoe, Dan, Stacy and Lauren ran off upstairs and hid in a creepy little girl's room.
"Do we barricade the door?" Zoe asked. Stacy grabbed a nearby chair and stuck it under to doorknob.
"That should hold it," Stacy said.
"It does in the movies," Lauren said,.
"Wait, if they get in here, we have no way out," Dan said.
"Let's just hope they don't come in," Stacy said.

Rosanna, Joe and Joey ran into the kitchen.
"Just find a place to hide!" Joey shouted a bit too loudly. Rosanna grabbed a table and pulled it over to the door. Joe helped and, once it was in place, they hid in the pantry.
"What if they find us?" Joe asked.
"There's a few bags of flour over there. Pile them up at the door," Rosanna started pulling them over and the others helped. As they pulled one towards the door, they saw Nate lying dead on the floor. They stared in shock, not knowing what to do or think.

Oli, Lilly, Lizzie and Joel ran into the library.
"Right, what do we do?" Oli asked no one in particular.
"I think we should try and barricade the door and then find a place to hide," Lilly said.
"Ok, someone grab that chair get that door and I'll get this one," Joel said.
"On it!" Lizzie grabbed the chair and barricaded the door as Joel barricaded the other door.
"And now we hide," Lizzie said.

Callum and Phil ended up in the hospital in the house.
"There are no hiding places," Phil was starting to panic.
"Use the bed to barricade the door," Callum said. They grabbed the bed and just managed to push it in front of the door.
"Wait, if we sit against it then it's extra weight," Phil said.
"Good point, let's do it," Callum and Phil sat on the bed with their backs to the door, praying that they would be safe.

Sean, Mark and Tiffany ran to the master bedroom.
"Right, barricade the door and we'll go from there," Mark said. They grabbed the bedside tables and the chair and put them against the door.
"Ok, well, we have an en suite if we need it, but no other way out," Sean said.
"The barricade should hold them for a while. At least I hope so," Tiffany said.

Willow, Sasha and Thomas ran outside into the garden.
"Use the patio furniture as a barricade," Sasha said. They started grabbing everything they could and throwing it in front of the door.
"Should we just start singing Les Mis now?" Thomas said. They laughed for a moment.

Willow - It feels really good to laugh considering the circumstances. But now I really wanna watch Les Mis.

"Let's hope that holds them. So who would everyone be if this were a production of Les Mis?" Willow asked.

The peasants overpowered Alex and Lauren and ran out the door. They were pushed to either side. Once everyone was gone, they ran to each other.
"We have to help them. We can't let them die," Lauren said.
"You're right. But we don't know where they are. And if we look for them then they'll find them," Alex said.
"What do we do?" Lauren said.
"I think we should try outside first. There might be someone out there. We can help them," Alex said.
"Good idea," Lauren said as they left, praying that they guests would be ok.

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