Episode 7, Part 4 - The Murky Moat

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Sasha and Oli followed Lauren and Alex back to the moat in total silence. When they got there, they faced the sea witch, both terrified of what might happen.
"Find the totem at the bottom of the moat," the witch sang. Next to the moat were two small boats with fishing nets. Sasha and Oli looked at each other, silently wishing each other good luck, before running to the boats and pushing them to the moat. They started throwing their nets out, trying to find the totem faster than the other.

Sasha - This is way harder than I expected. I am throwing this net out and I cannot find this totem. I really hope Oli is having the same trouble as me.

Oli - I underestimated how difficult this would be. I'm really far away from Sasha so I really hope the totem is nearer me than her.

The two kept searching for the totem, praying that the other was also struggling.
"Hey, Oli, have you found it yet?" Sasha asked.
"No, this is really hard," Oli said.
"I know, I thought this would be easy," Sasha said. A few moments later, Oli pulled the next up with the totem inside.
"I found it!"

The sea witch created a wave to push Oli to shore. As Sasha desperately tried to paddle to shore, the witch raised her hand, and tentacles rose from the water. Sasha screamed as they grabbed her boat and dragged it under the water, with her in it. Oli watched on, helpless, as the boat slowly sank, and saw the look or pure terror on his friends's face. He watched the top of the water and saw Sasha slowly drown, and saw when the bubbles stopped, signifying her death. Oli clutched the totem and ran away from the moat, with Alex and Lauren in hot pursuit.

The door to the break room burst open as Oli ran in, startling the guests.
"What happened? Why are you out of breath?" Dan asked.
"Sasha's dead. She drowned. I had to get out of there. But I got the totem," Oli explained. He put the totem on top of the tower and sat back down.
"Did you guys figure out the box?" Oli asked.
"Um, no. We half thought you might get a clue," Willow said.
"I didn't find out anything," Oli said. The group looked at the box, all very confused.

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