Episode 8, Part 2 - The Hunter

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Dan, Tiffany, Lilly, Joe and Oli stayed in the small room and kept looking around.

"This is really dusty," Tiffany said through coughs.
"There has to be something of use in here," Dan said. He felt a strange power surge through him, and stumbled back.
"Dan, are you okay?" Lilly asked.
"Yeah, I think so," he said.
"What happened?" Oli asked.
"It felt like the spirit was trying to possess me again, but it wasn't really trying. It was almost like it was doing something else, and didn't care about me," Dan explained. He blinked and his eyes turned black. The group jumped back in shock.


Willow, Rosanna, Mark and Joel headed to the basement.

"I'm a little concerned that we have literally no clue what we're looking for," Willow said.
"Well, he's a hunter, so some sort of weapon, maybe, or... I don't know," Mark said.
"The question is, why would he hide it in the basement?" Rosanna asked.
"That's actually a really good question," Joel commented. Suddenly, laughter filled the room. The lights turned off.

"Poor mortals. You think you have a chance. I'll enjoy watching you all suffer, and I will laugh when I take each and every one of your lives. Enjoy life while you can."

The lights turned back on. The group looked around, silently checking on one another. Their attention turned to evil laughter in a corner of the room. Rosanna's eyes were pitch black, and the laughter escaping her mouth wasn't her own.


Thomas, Sean, Phil, Lizzie and Zoe headed to the forest.

Zoe - Of all the places to end up, a creepy forest was not one of the places I had in mind.

"Do we know what we're looking for?" Lizzie asked.
"Nope," Sean said.
"Do we know what we might be looking for?" Lizzie asked.
"Something he could use for hunting, so probably weapons," Thomas said.
"That looks like a hunting shack over there," Phil said. The group headed for the tiny, old looking shack. Thomas tried the door.
"Locked," he said, "from the inside I think. There's no lock out here."
As they got there, they heard laughter from within the room.

"I see you, eyes full of hope, thinking that you'll escape the night unscathed. I look forward to watching the life drain from your eyes and hearing your final screams and pleas for mercy. I look forward to watching you die, and watching your friends weep for you."

The group stood in horror as Zoe spoke to them in a different voice, telling them awful things they almost couldn't bear to hear.


"Dan?" Joe said.
"In this room is hidden the key to discovering the challenge," he said. His voice was distorted, and there was another voice speaking, a voice that the group recognised. Dan's eyes turned to normal, and the spirit seemed to leave him.
"What happened?" Dan asked.
"You got possessed and the spirit told us that the key to discovering the challenge is in this room," Lilly explained. Dan looked confused.
"I don't remember," he said, "anyway, we need to find this key."
The group started looking around for the key.

Tiffany - I'm really worried about Dan. He's been possessed twice and I'm a little concerned that the spirit is still possessing him.

"Got it!" Joe said. He grabbed a small, rusty key from behind a cabinet.
"I guess we should head back to the tower," Lilly said. The group left, making sure Dan walked in the middle so they could keep an eye on him.


The laughter was distorted. Then, it stopped, and Rosanna's eyes turned back to normal.
"Ro, are you okay?" Willow asked.
"Why wouldn't I be?" she asked, not seeming to know what just happened.
"Didn't you hear that voice. Your eyes went black and you started laughing," Mark said. Rosanna's expression changed from confusion to fear.
"Was I possessed?" she asked.
"I think so," Joel said. She looked away.
"I don't know if this will help, but I remember seeing that cabinet," Rosanna pointed to a cabinet. Mark pulled out the drawer and saw an locked diary in it.
"Is this helpful?"
"Yes, it is," Rosanna said.
"So, head back to the others?" Joel asked. The group nodded and left the basement.


Zoe pushed the previously locked door open with no effort. She shook her head and her eyes turned back to normal.
"Oh, you opened the door," she said, like nothing had happened.
"No, you opened the door," Sean said.
"How did I manage that?" she asked, perplexed.
"It looked like you'd been possessed. You're eyes were black, like Joey's, or Dan's," Lizzie said.

Lizzie - This is terrifying. Zoe was possessed, and I'm really worried because we don't know why or how the spirit is possessing people.

"Anyway, the door's open, and there's a bow and arrows," Thomas said. Zoe walked in and grabbed them.
"Back to the castle, then," she said. The group headed back, still shaken after what happened to Zoe.


The three groups reunited in the break room and pooled their resources on the table.
"Ok, I don't know what to do," Willow said, "does that key fit in the lock on the diary?"
Phil grabbed the notebook and key and unlocked the notebook. He flicked through the pages.
"There's a note here. Looks like an incantation," he said. The moment he finished speaking, the room turned pitch black.

Dan, Rosanna and Zoe heard a voice in their heads.
"I'm fighting the spirit, but I can't break it's control over you. I'll help you if I can, but you can't overcome your possession if you want me to help you. The three of you must read out the incantation. I will protect you for as long as I can, but the group has power over life and death. Good luck, my friends."
They all thought one thing. Joey was good and was protecting them from beyond the grave...

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