Episode 15, Part 1 - The Potion Master

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Previously on Escape The Night, the guests encountered the castle's executioner. They were forced to play his games while he took two of their lives. The guests were aided by Joey's spirit to free him from the castle once and for all.

The guests looked at each other nervously as a rather ordinary looking young woman walked into the room.
"Oh, hello, I don't mean to bother you. I've just been working on my evil laugh to scare people," she said, "if you need me, I'll be in the top room of the western tower."
The woman left, and the guests were left thoroughly confused as to her appearance there.
"Was that the next lieutenant?" Joel asked. Lizzie picked up the notebook and flicked through it to the right page.

"She is the next lieutenant. Her name is Athena and she is a potion maker for the spirit. He gave her a test subject and she turned him into an obedient slave to do her dirty work. She may seem perfectly sane when you first meet her, but she is completely insane when aggravated. Do not anger her if you value your free will."

"So, keep her sweet and it's plain sailing?" Willow asked.
"Seems so," Phil replied.
"She said she was in the western tower, we should go there, find out about her, what she wants us to do," Dan said.

Dan - This night is getting really repetitive, so we know what to do, and we're off to the western tower, with Alex and Lauren leading the way.

"What do we say to her?" Thomas asked.
"If we just let her know that we know she's the next lieutenant, maybe she'll be cool," Dan said.
"What is she isn't?" Zoe asked.
"Stay near the door so we can run," Phil said.

The guests walked up the spiral staircase to the top of the western tower. They pushed open the door and saw Athena's room. There was a bed in the corner, that looked like it hadn't been made in months. Most of the room was taken up by potions, brewing stands and ingredients. To the side of the room was an empty caged off area, for which the guests didn't know the purpose. There was another cage to the side of the room, with a bed in it. There was something under the blankets, and the guests didn't want to know what was under them.

"Oh, you came! Thank goodness, I was hoping I'd see you. You all seem like such nice people," Athena said. The guests sensed there was something she wasn't telling them, but didn't ask her for fear of her answer.
"We know you're the next lieutenant by the way," Joel said, edging closer to the door.
"That's why I wanted to see you," she said. The door slammed shut, and try as they might, they couldn't open it. She walked over to the occupied cage and opened the door. The blankets sat up. The guests redoubled their efforts to open the door.
"I know you're getting tired, so I wanted to give you a little motivation to finish my challenges quickly," she said, sounding more insane by the minute. The guests watched as a huge, muscular young man walked threateningly towards them. His mouth had been sewed shut tightly, and there was still blood around it.

Zoe - This is one of the scariest things we've seen all night. Is this what she did to him?

The man lunged at the guests and grabbed Thomas. The guests clung onto him, trying to save him, but the man was too strong. He pulled Thomas away from them with ease. Athena picked up a syringe filled with purple liquid and injected it into Thomas's arm as the man held him still. She then opened the door to the cage and Thomas was thrown in, and the door slammed shut behind him.
"If you want your friend back, find me the two green flowers in the castle. One is near the moat, one is in the garden. You have one hour before the poison takes effect and you lose him forever. Good luck," Athena laughed maniacally as the guests ran out of the room, utterly terrified yet determined.

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