Episode 6, Part 4 - Murder In The Family

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Lauren and Dan walked towards the basement in complete silence. They walked in, and the door shut behind them.

"If you want to escape with your life, you must find and free me. I will take care of your opponent."

Lauren and Dan immediately jumped into action, scouring the basement for any sign of the murderer. Dan threw a wooden crate to the side, and saw a note behind it. He started throwing everything to either side so he could read it.

At the same time, Lauren was digging through old clothes and rags for a clue. She finally found it at the bottom:

In the place where the castle touches the sky.

"Um, Dan, you wanna help each other out?" Lauren asked, "cause, I have a clue and I'd feel bad just leaving you here."
"That would be amazing," Dan said.
"Ok, we need to go to the place where the castle touches the sky," Lauren said.
"The tower," Dan said almost instantly. They ran off towards the tower, and heard maniacal laughter, followed by a small 'help me'.

Dan - I didn't know the Joker was in the castle.

They made it to the tallest tower in the castle and found the next clue lying in the floor:

The place where the games began.

"What does that mean?" Dan asked.
"Maybe the dining room. That's where we first found out about this game," Lauren suggested. They ran downstairs and saw a pool of blood, but no body lying in it.
"Just look for the thing," Lauren said. Both Dan and Lauren searched for anything that could help them. Dan rifled through the bottles on the table, smashing a few in the process. He found a bloodstained knife with a note.

Kill your opponent.

Dan looked down at the knife.
"Well done. You've found my final clue. Now all you have to do is kill her and the next soul will be freed," said the voice of the murderer. Lauren looked as Dan with fear in her eyes.
"Dan, please," she said.
"Or you could refuse and I'll gut you both," the voice said. Dan stared down at the knife.
"Oh, this is boring," he said. Dan looked like he was going to vomit, then he looked up. His eyes were black. Emotionless


As the guests anxiously waited for someone to return, a letter appeared on the table. Phil grabbed it.

Dear Guests,
                       Thank you for freeing me. I will be forever grateful. Yours, Gabbie

Just then, Dan ran into the room, his face stained with tears.
"What happened?" Phil asked.
"I think something possessed me," he explained frantically, "I killed Lauren."

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