Surprise? (Silvaze) {Sonic Fandom}

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[Jealous Silver! Enjoy the story!]

She walked down a path towards her home, hoping he wasn't home. She opened the door to see Silver watching TV, unfortunately.

"Hi Blaze." He greeted as she put her bags down on the counter.  

" Hi Silver. What are you watching?" She asked, coming towards the couch in hopes that she can (force?) him to go outside, while she gets her surprise ready for him.

"Just some TV show", he replied, not really noticing what she bought at the store.

"Oh. Silver, can you get a few things in the store for me? There are several things I have forgotten."

"Oh, um, sure." He thought it was rather strange for her to forget, considering that she was never forget things, especially as simple as going to a grocery store.

"Here's the list." It consisted of some normal things, such as eggs and oil.

"Don't we have these things?"

"Yes, but these are for the charity down the street. I thought they needed some of these items, because it's pretty hard to shop when you have to care for a lot of kids and-" She was cut of by a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Ok, Blaze. I'll get them. There's no need to panic. I'll pick these items up right away." And just like that, he went out.

Blaze breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness he went out. Now I can prepare the surprise." She called everyone she knew. In half hours time, everyone arrived, even though Blaze have started first.

"Hi Blaze! So, how are we going to help you?" Amy asked, while taking mental note of how nice the place looks.

"Hi Amy. Ok, everyone! I want you all to work together. Got it?"

"Got it!"

"Amy, you and Sonic will take care of the tree. Tails,Cream,please hang the Christmas lights around ceiling. Rouge, Shadow and I are going to prepare the food."

A squeal of excitement came from Amy. "Thank you Blaze!" With that, she dragged Sonic to the Christmas tree.

"Amy! Stop dragging me! Hey! Did you hear what I said?! Let me go!" Sonic cried as he was dragged by his excited 'lover'.

"Yay! Come on, Mr. Tails, let's get the lights on!" Cream said, in the happy little voice of hers.

"Ok Cream. Let's get started." The two-tailed fox said, chuckling as he flew to the air.

"Rouge, Shadow thank you so much for doing this. Are you both on break from G.U.N?" Blaze asked as the three walked to the kitchen.

 Well two are walking, anyway. Shadow was left behind, muttering about how glad he would be to be sitting in his house. " "No problem hun. What are we cooking today? And, Shadow, keep up!Yes, we are taking a break from G.U.N. They said there isn't any more projects coming up so they let me and Shadow have a break."

" Huh. Today, we're cooking glazed ham. I have the instructions right here." Blaze pointed towards a recipe book with a title "Glazed Ham" on the top.

2 hours later...

" Okay, are you all finished?" Blaze asked while tying the very special mistletoe near the door.


Sonic and Amy finished decorating the Christmas tree first and then they helped Cream and Tails fix the lights up. Well, only Amy helped. Sonic ran out of the house, saying he forgotten something at home. The three of them helped Blaze, Rouge and Shadow make dinner as it was the hardest part of the Christmas celebration.

Just on cue, Silver entered."Blaze? Why are all the lights dim?" He tried turning on the lights but failed.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted ,getting out from their hiding places.

"I know how much you wanted a surprise party. So, here's my Christmas gift to you. Merry Christmas Silver." Blaze smiled as she started to kiss him under the mistletoe.

Silver kissed her back. They had a very light kiss ,because they were seen on public with friends.
"Thank you Blaze. But I have nothing for you in return. Well,except this." Silver kissed her again and this time Blaze gave in.

"Thank you everybody for helping me decorate the house. Now, let's enjoy this party together!" She was greeted with happy cheers from their friends.

And that was a Silvaze Christmas.

[Hope you guys liked it. I know it's late, but whatevs! Have a belated Christmas!]

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