The YouTuber and the #1 Fan (Silvaze) {Sonic Fandom}

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Silver is a YouTuber, famous for his gaming channel, Silver Sheen. He has a few other channels with his friends, Sonic ,Tails and a ton more.

Silver is at a 'meet 'n greet' in Las Vegas when a girl with fair skin and lavender hair, dressed in a purple tunic, with white pants came up to him and asks, "Excuse me, I'm your biggest fan. Do you mind taking a picture with me? Better yet, an autograph?" The girl asks, asking very fast, because of how nervous she was.

"Sure. Can I borrow your phone for the selfie?", Silver questions, nodding towards the device that's held in Blaze's hand.

"O-of c-c-course!",and they both took a selfie 🤳.

Silver had a 'dab' pose whereas Blaze had bunny ears on top of her head.

"Thanks for the selfie. Where's your notebook? I wanna sign it. What's your name? I don't remember you saying it to me.", Silver bombarded the poor girl with questions, 'cause he's the type of guy to get curious.

" You're w-welcome. Here it is". Here Blaze handed(pun intended) her notebook filled with YouTube video ideas to create. "M-my name is Blaze. Blaze The Cat."

"You create YouTube videos?"

"Yeah, DIY's and stuff. The channel's name is DIY B. I just started it a few months ago."

"Cool! Cool! Do you wanna collab sometime? I don't know anything about DIY, but maybe I'll help in a way??" From this, a question sparked in his mind. "Why do you watch gaming of you don't have any interest in it?"

"O-oh! That! Erm, it-it's because you're always so confident on-screen. I kind of... t-take lessons from you. STAGE WISE! I hope you don't think its weird cause I really like your style in your videos and I really like your videos cause it's funny and-", Interrupted, she looked up from her rambling by a laugh from her idol.

" Alright, alright! Calm down. Haha! I would like to collab with you sometime and-", Sonic passed by, stopping Silver in wahtever he's saying.

"Yo Silv, we're going to have a Q 'n A! You comin'? Or are you gonna hang out with your girlfriend?" Sonic questioned.

"In a minute Speedy! And shut up!", Silver replied ,as Sonic is popular for his fast walkthroughs(IDK what the name is)

"So, I'll see you in the Q'n A?"

"Yes, I'll meet you there. See ya!" And with that, Blaze walked as calmly as she could until she was out of Silver's sight before going to the emptiest place she could find to scream with joy.

She went to call her friend Amy, who is a HUGE, HUGE fan if Sonic,even going out to having a crush on him. Blaze tried distracting the pink hedgehog with a few boys around her neighborhood, but failed, despite her best attempts.

"Amy!Guess. Who. I . Spoke. To."

Amy's voice tore through the phone. "No way. Silver?"
"YAS! AND HE ASKED ME TO COLLAB WITH HIM SOMETIME!!!!! EEEK!!" Blaze's voice was loud enough to earn odd looks from people around her, but she didn't care one bit.
"You're joking.
"AM NOT! I got a selfie to proof to you. Where do you wanna meet? KFC sounds good?"Blaze calmed down after her excitement blew down.
"Sure. Meet you there in 30!"

30 minutes later...

Blaze was already seated in her seat. She tried to scan around for Amy, trying to find that massive clump fo pink from the crowd. Unfortunately for her, lots of fans are dyeing their hair pink to represent his or her favorite YouTuber. While waiting, Blaze was scrolling through her favorite social media, YouTube, trying to find a video she HASN'T watched of Silver Sheen, until.... a shadow . Slowly, she looked up and saw.... No, not Amy, but Silver. Blaze forgot about her phone, forgetting that she was searching through YouTube , finding videos in his channel.

"Hi Blaze! Fancy meeting you here!", Silver said, with one arm on the table, leaning towards Blaze.
"Same for you! Where are you're friends?", She questioned , looking around the cafeteria only to hear a loud , "Sonic!" from a certain pink hedgehog.
"I guess you know now. Wanna eat lunch together?", Silver offered, holding his hand out to her (cuz I made him a nice YouTuber).

"O-of course! It'll be a pleasure."

And so they had their lunch.

---- later in the evening ----

"Meanie!" Blaze cried while throwing her pillow at Amy playfully.

"I'm sorry! I saw Sonic and couldn't resist. But... I got you on a date!", Amy teased back, throwing Blaze's pillow back to her.

"NOT A DATE!!", Blaze yelled.

The girls fought till there was a knock on the door. Amy went to open it and saw... No, not Sonic. Not Silver. But...


"Ms. Vanilla!!"

"Girls!", Vanilla greeted them both, with an enthusiastic face. Cream looked exactly the same, except it looked purer ( cause kids are pure).

Vanilla and Cream used to live next to Amy, but they had to move because of work.
So Cream, Amy and Blaze hang out till the next morning,when it was time to leave.

"See you!" Cream said waving at both of her friends.

---- A year later ----

Blaze is now a Youtuber with a ten thousand subscribers and sometimes, Silver will collab with her.

Also, they're dating now.

[Thanks for reading! See you when I see you. Not literally tho!]

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