PE (Izuocha) {BNHA /MHA Fandom}

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"Alright everyone. Get out of the class. It's time to train." Mr. Aizawa stated lazily, opening the door to his students.
Everyone yelled in excitement and ran outside.
Midoriya just chuckled at his classmates reactions. Although he's excited as well, he isn't that crazy.
"Deku! Deku!" Midoriya turned around to see a girl with shirt brown hair that made his heart pitter patter every time they communicated.
Of course, since he's confused, he asked his classmates, and everyone seemed to conclude that he's in love with Uraraka. This confused the young male, so he went to All Might for some... better advice.
All Might wasn't any better and gave the exact same advice as his classmates, so Midoriya assumes that he really is in love with her.
"Yeah, Uraraka?" Midoriya asked, smiling at the thought.
  She stopped right in front of him, making him blush. She looks up at him and says, "What do you think of our exercise today? Do you think it'll be match? Ohh! It'll be so fun! I hope I'll be able to beat you! You're so cool! Maybe if I..." And she starts to ramble, much like him.
Midoriya couldn't help but find it cute that his assumed 'crush' picked up his habit.
"Uraraka! Hurry up and stop talking to your boyfriend!" Ashido yelled, grinning cheekily at her own statement.
Uraraka and Midoriya blushed, and after a while, Uraraka left to go with Ashido.
"Alright class. Today will be quirk training. You now what to do. Get to it. In pairs. Now." Mr. Aizawa instructed.
As Midoriya headed for Lida to be his partner, a voice stopped him.
"Deku! Wanna be partners?" Midoriya's heart started to beat faster.
"S-sure!" Midoriya replied, a blush appearing on his cheeks.
"Alright, get ready to lose Deku!" Ochako yelled, getting into a fighting stance.
Midoriya too, did the same.
"Wait!" They both turn to look at Aoyama, with Mina whispering something to him. He nodded in agreement towards something, and started walking towards them.
"Midoriya, Ochako! To get better luck, Mina told me that you need these fabulous bands to unlock those amazing powers of yours. Good luck~" Aoyama posed, and walked away.
"Um... so... do we... take them?" Ochako asked, taking one.
"I guess so." And Midoriya took another.
"Oh! They match! Cool! Band buddies!"Midoriya cried, holding his arm towards Ochako to arm bump.
"C-cool..." Ochako shyly bumped her arm to his.
Internally, she started to fan girl, because everything that she could do to get close to Midoriya, she did. Mina is her wing girl as Aoyama , seemingly, is Midoriya's unknown wing man. So there must be something that is connected towards this. But she can't find any.
"Uraraka? Do you wanna fight now? Mr. Aizawa is staring at us." Midoriya whispered, nudging his friend.
"Ooh! Ya! Sure! Sorry! I'll beat you Deku!" Ochako yelled with determination.
So they begin to fight.
---Time Skip (I don't know how to do battle scenes)--
"Midoriya loses. Uraraka wins. Now it's time for Jirou and Kaminari. Get in the area now." Mr. Aizawa instructed, sitting lazily in his wearable sleeping bag.
As the duo stepped out if the area, Ochako started to squeal in delight.
"YESSS! I BEAT YOU, DEKU! I never thought I would, but I did! Yes!"
Midoriya didn't hear any of it as he was busy thinking about what went wrong.
'Not to sound conceited or anything, but I win. Usually. What went wrong? I did use the...' And his thoughts droned on and on.
"Deku?" Ochako glanced at him. He looked puzzled at something. He can't see to hear her or see her either. It's as if he's in another world.
As they were walking back towards the changing rooms, a pole can be spotted and Midoriya was headed towards that direction.
Ochako decided to have a little fun and wait until they got close to the pole, then tell her friend that there is a pole in front of him.
So they walked until they got close to the pole, then she put her plan into action.
"Deku?" Ochako asked.
"Hmm?" He replied, turning to look at her before he smashed into the pole.
Ochako felt a little guilty, but it was still funny.
"Pfft." Ochako tried to keep her laughter down as her crush rubbed his head.
"I-I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Ochako asked, lending her hand to him.
He took it, and pulled himself up, put his other hand over his heart, and said dramatically, "Alas my friend. You have betrayed me! How could you!"
He posed dramatically, with one foot out and one hand over his heart , with the other on his forehead.
Ochako laughed until her sides hurt.
Midoriya couldn't help but smile to see her smile. It made his day, even when he's in his worst mood.
"H-huh..  huff..." Midoriya turned to see Ochako, hand on knees, panting.
"I- I didn't mean to make you choke. You okay?" Midoriya asked, turning to face her.
"I'm fine, don't worry. I just never see you acting like that! With your pose and-" She went to peals of laughter once more.
And Midoriya laughed right along with her.
In the shadows, lurking, is... wait for it.... wait... Aoyama! He snuck 'round after his fight with Sero. When he wanted to go back, he saw Midoriya and Ochako walking, so he decided to stay hidden in the shadows. And Wala! He now has a picture of them!
After their laughter subdued, they walked towards the changing rooms.
"See you for lunch!" Ochako said, waving her hand at Midoriya.
"See you!" Midoriya replied, waving his hand as well.
Once they finished changing, they went back to the classroom to get Mr. Aizawa's verdict on their training.
"Hey, Uraraka. What did you bring for lunch?" Midoriya asked.
"Oh, er... probably just kimchi. You?" Ochako asked back.
"Eh... probably kimchi as well." Midoriya shrugged.
"We can be Kimchi buddies! I wonder if Lida bought some too." Ochako wondered, unconciously playing with her hair.
"Hopefully. Now, let's go! Before Mr. Aizawa gets mad at us!" As soon as those words left his mouth, he grabbed Ochako's hand and started running towards the school.
Ochako, surprised by his actions, let out a "woah!" , but continued to follow him. Her heart began to beat faster again.
'Nonononono. Not here! Not when he's here!' She thought.
Luckily, they both got to class on time. As they entered they room, breathless, they don't notice they were still holding hands. Mina and Aoyama noticed, and grinned at each other.
'Oh my God! Are you two dating now?" Squealed Mina, her hand pointing towards their intertwined hands. Aoyama and several others were recording.
"N-no! We were going to be late, so we had to hurry!" Ochako explained frantically.
"Yeah!" Midoriya nodded along with Ochako.
Normally, Lida would intervene, saying that it isn't any of their business. However, he was on holiday, which, as sad as it is to say, made the class happy, so they could tease them for a while without being bothered.
"Ooh~ And you had to hold her hand is it? You haven't let go because of how worried you are for her. Awww!" Kaminari teased, making them both blush even more.
They quickly let go of their hands and Kaminari got whacked by Jirou.

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