Drink (Izuocha) { BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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[Picture is not taken by me. Credit to the person who took this picture. Anyway, let us Begin!]

Summary: In which midoriya and ochako share a drink.

the evening summer breeze floated into ochako's room, ruffling some of the young maiden's papers. she lazily ignored the mess and stared out of her window. she could see the sun setting over the tall towers of tokyo, slowly drifting off into sleep and letting the moon play its part. but enough of that. she sighed, and tidied the papers that flew, making sure to place her leaf shaped paperweight( that yaoyorozu made for her) on top. our brunette stepped out of her room, making sure to lock it, and walked towards the kitchen. 

"uraraka san!" his voice sounded too sweet to her ears.

"deku-kun? what's wrong?" she stopped and waited for her friend to catch up. 

"where are you going? you look all dressed up." looking down, ochako admits that she does look dressed up. she had a pastel pink dress, with ruffled on the sleeves, and white trim around the dress.

"no, no. i was just trying out some clothes that the girls gave to me. i never wore it because it looks so nice, and i thought i might try it today." 

"ah. well then, would you like my opinion uraraka-san?"

"well, sure! what do you think, deku-kun?" she spun around, giving him a once' over.

"you look nice, uraraka-san." uraraka blushed slightly. 

"thank you deku-kun. now, where are you going? have you just finished training?" midoriya looked down at his sweaty t-shirt and shorts.

"i guess so. i wanted to try it again, so-"

"so deku-kun! train harder! later, i mean." after receiving the strange look, uraraka continued. "deku-kun, you know i'm not the best at keeping healthy,"midoriya flashbacks to times she wouldn't eat. "but i know my limit, and yes, i want to exceed it, but we all must take a break some time or the other. i know you will become an awesome hero ,deku-kun, but let's have fun for a while before it all goes away, okay?" at his nod, she smiled.

"yes, uraraka-san, ma'am! what do you want me to do now?" she smiles cheekily.

"come with me." 

"wa.. wait!" those were midoriya's last words as he was dragged away by ochako.


"uraraka-san... i didn't know you liked cooking." midoriya stated as he leaned into the kitchen counter.

"well, i'm not as good as bakugou-kun, but i recently have been enjoying bubble tea. yaomomo introduced it to me, and taught all of us how to make it. it was really fun, so know i'm making it myself!"

"well, why don't you show me how?" the question caught ochako off guard.


"why not? it's like hanging out together." 

"of course, deku-kun! i'll show you." 

"let me get my notebook first, uraraka-san."

uraraka giggled. "deku-kun! it's just tea, you don't have to write it!" he sighed in defeat. 

"okay, uraraka-san. so, what do we need to do first?"

"so first, you pour in 30 g of tapioca pearl. there is another substitute, but yaomomo says this is better. then, you pour water until it's full and set it overnight. but i already did that yesterday, so her it is!" she pulled out a measuring cup filled with 8 oz of water that had brown shaped pearls on top. 

"we'll leave this first."

then, she poured 300 g of water into another measuring cup, which she then boiled over the fire with her pink pan. leaving it, she hurried to take out 10 g of black tea leaves, which, according to her, had to be kept on the boiling water for over one minute.

"check it out for me, okay deku-kun?"


after that, she then poured 300 g of soy milk into the boiling mixture as midoriya looked on, interested in how the colors changed immediately. 

"then, deku-kun, we bring it to a boil then turn the heat off."

"let me do it uraraka-san. you grab the cups."

"are you-"


she smiled. "okay." as she went, midoriya couldn't help but stare at her figure as she walked away. 


"it's done boiling, uraraka-san." he turned off the heat and awaited her next instructions.

"oh? so fast... okay then, deku-kun. the next step is to strain the tea leaves. you can do that right?" at his nod, she continued. "i'll boil the previous mixture we had, okay? it usually takes about 1-2 minutes." 


after a round of comfortable silence, the heated pearl mixture started crackling, which bought midoriya's attention, who had been daydreaming.

"ah, uraraka-san, i think it's finished." she nodded and bought the mixture towards the 2 cups, pouring it evenly between them. then, maple syrup was added. when questioned why, she said it's too enchance the flavor.

"it tastes better, deku-kun!"

"deku-kun, bring the milk here please." he did, and poured it evenly, just like uraraka.

"and wala, we are done!" she quickly placed the dishes into the dishwasher and hurried towards her drink. midoriya did the same, only on a slower pace. 

after a sip or to, midoriya let out a satisfied hum. "it does taste wonderful, uraraka-san."

"it does, doesn't it?"

(short and sweet.)

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