Afternoon (Jirou){BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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Jirou sighed and cracked her fingers. Her stomach rumbled. It must be lunch time. She walked out of her studio changed bedroom and walked towards the kitchen to get a snack. However, the snack she anticipated became a whole lunch, thanks to Ochako. 

Jirou  was abou to grab an apple from the fridge, when a voice stopped her. 

"Wait!" Jirou turned around to find Ochako behind her, cheeks red.

"Where have you been? Your cheeks are red." Jirou commented, pointing towards them.

"I-it's nothing important! I was just working out and-"

"And you want me to make lunch for you?" Jirou raised an eyebrow. 

Ochako is a Youtuber, so she spent her days shooting videos, even including the girls sometimes. She also partakes in a cooking challenge, but Ochako can't cook. This was learned the hard way when Jirou instructed Ochako to heat up some water. It went well until Jirou passed by the kitchen and heard some sizzling. When Jirou went into the kitchen to check out the situation, Ochako quickly ushered her out, which looked suspicious. So Jirou tried to get a sneak peek on what she was doing. It worked. Turns out, the girl had burned the water that left marks on the stove which couldn't be removed. From then on, Jirou never let Ochako cook again. Also one of the reasons Ochako joined the challenge. 

"Y-yes?" After seeing Jirou's annoyed face, Ochako pleaded. "Please! I'm so hungry and you know I can't cook!" She gave Jirou her puppy eyes, which worked every time. 

Unfortunately for Jirou, it worked. 

"Fine. On one condition."

"I include you in a video to promote your workshop? Sure!" 

"No- I mean, yes, that would be nice but no, not that. You have to help me cook."



"You heard me right, I am teaching you to cook. Guaranteed, I'm not the best, but I don't burn water. You hear me?" 

Ochako nodded her head. "Oh, can I vlog this? My viewers would love to know more about you!"

"About me?" Jirou asked nonchalantly. 

" I mean, yeah! They have to know a bit about my viewers! I mean, I shoot about my stuff mostly, but I have another channel about everyday stuff that I do too!" Ochako explained.

"Oh. Sure. But it's not going to be the best meal, just a reminder." Jirou deadpanned.

"Oh, sure sure. Now, where did I put that?" Ochako came racing into her room while Jirou pulled out her phone to call Yaoyorozu.

(Y for Yaoyorozu and J for Jirou)

Y: Hello? Jirou? Do you need me for something?

J: Sort of. Um, do you know any easy meals to cook for lunch?

Y: Well, would you like American or Japanese?

J: The easier one. I'm teaching Ochako how to cook. She burns even water, like, gosh! And, she's also filming it.

Jirou could hear the surprise in Yaoyorozu's voice. 

Y:I see. 

There was a silence at the end of the phone s Jirou waited. A few seconds later, Yaoyorozu's voice came back.

Y: Well, you could teach her to make sandwiches and some orange juice. Oh, and as for dessert, you could cook brownies if you like. I've send you a recipe. 

Jirou heard her phone ping. 

J: It's already in. Thanks Yaomomo, you're a lifesaver sometimes, you know? Don't wanna look bad in front of the camera. 

Y: Bye, and good luck!

Click. Call was 3:42 seconds. 

Ochako came back to the kitchen, vlog camera in hand. She had her very simple, but still You tuber approved pastel pink apron on, while Jirou have a cream color one on. 

"Right! I'm ready. Are you?" At Jirou's nod, Ochako started filming.

"Hey guys! So, it's lunch time. And, I can't cook, as you can tell from my many failed attempts, so I'm going to have Jirou teach me! Say hi!" Jirou waved to the camera and bought out the ingredients. 

"So, we're making sandwiches and some orange juice. It's really easy, so... yeah." She blushed from embarrassment and proceeded to take the bread out of the fridge. 

"Right! Let's get cooking!" Ochako laid the camera asde and started helping Jirou.


"Hey, Jirou? How does this work?" 

"What do you mean?" 

" I mean, how do you... cut an orange? (no joke, I have no idea)"

"Just slice through the skin."

"Oh, like this?" Ochako proceeded to skin the orange with her knife.

"No, not like that... but it works."

"Then what?"


"And done!" Ochako rinsed her hands in the sink and started vlogging again.

"Guys, we're done! I'm so proud of myself now, and yeah! I'll start eating now!" Ochako set the camera on the table and set it to timelapse.

"Jirou, is it okay if I start eating first?"

"Sure. I'll put the dishes in the dishwasher and then I'll join you."



"You know Ochako, we still have one more thing to cook."

"Really? What?"

Jirou grinned. "Baking a dessert."

"HAH?! you never told me that!"

"I didn't."


"Don't worry, Ochako. It won't be that bad. It's just brownies. Yaomomo sent me a recipe and it looks easy. Here, read it." After she skimmed through the text, Ochako nodded sheepishly.

"Yeah, it does sound easy."

"Right? So, come on."

"Let me just, turn off my camera."

"And I'll put on our apron back."

After aprons are on, Ochako read the ingredient list while Jirou ran to fetch them.

"2 cups of white sugar, I cup butter, /2 cup cocoa powder, -"

"Wait, wait. Just... just say the name of the ingredients."

"Oh. Then, white sugar, cocoa powder extract, vanilla extract, eggs, all purpose flour, baking powder, salt and walnut halves."

"Okay. Got 'em. Thank for saying it nice and slow. It's not nice when you have to repeat the same thing over and over." Jirou hummed in agreement as she set the cutlery. 

"Right done. Now, your turn." Ochako sighed in defeat.

"Okay." Ochako trudged towards the supplies and sighed again.

"What do I need to prepare?"

After an hour or so of baking with no failed attempts, the brownies were being devoured by 2 hungry girls.

"Mmm! They taste so good! We should do this again some day!" Ochako suggested, mouth filled with brownies.

"Yeah, we should. Guess we gotta thank Yaomomo for that idea." 


After they were finished with their meal, they girls went back to their perspective rooms and got back to work.

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