small steps(KamiJirou)[BNHA/MHA Fandom]

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You want me to what?

"For today's lesson, you have to take care of a child for a day." Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat, sounding like he wanted to sleep, which is totally relatable. "There may be a situation where you find an abandoned child and will be responsible for it."

Groans from my classmates and I fill the classroom, because who the hell wants to take care of kids?

Not f***ing me.

"This will be done in groups of two."

Mina's hand shot up. "Will we get to choo-"

"We'll be using a lucky draw."

Mina fell back down, defeated and slumped in her seat. Our eyes met and I gave her something close to a sympathetic smile, one lip higher then the other. I'm sure she cringed at my facial features. Ugh.

"Come to the front of the class in seat order and write your name on the board." With that, he fell to the ground and curled up in his sleeping bag. If only my sleeping schedule worked that way.

As I waited, Weymingway decided that it would be the perfect time to dawdle to me, with a can of monster energy drink in one hand.

"Why?" I asked, pointing towards the can.

"Because." He replied nonchalantly, taking a couple sips from the can. He picked his lips, then proceeded to slam his hand on my desk. "Can we work together?"

"Did you not hear what-"


I sighed and slowly massaged my forehead. "Mr. Aizawa said that the groups will be decided using the lucky draw." My lucky stars are upon me. "I think it's supposed to be your turn now."

Weymingway waltzed up to the board then wrote on the board, group 3. So he was listening.

Then my turn came. I'd appreciate it if I'm placed in a different group than Weymingway please. I'd be fine normally, but this time, it'd a kid, someone that you have to take extra care of. And I don't think I can handle another kid when there's one already.

But of course, when I open the cursed paper, in small, gibberish-like font, were the words 'Group 3'. Of f***ing course. That one time I wanted to genuinely to good on an assignment, I have to work with the moron. Of course.

Mr. Aizawa's voice echoed from his place. "Oh, and you can pick the kids up at Meiling Elementary school. Look it up. Meet me here tomorrow after you've dropped the kid off at the school. Class dismissed."

I, begrudgingly, walked over to Kaminari's desk. He seems to be engaged in something, so I hit him lightly with a notebook. He winced, then looked up to me.

"Oh, hey babe." Sero, who happened to be next to him was in a fit of giggles, which unfortunately turned into a fit of snorts.

"Babe?" I asked, because he clearly can't be referring to me.

"Yeah?" He replied. OH MY GOD. He is referring to me! Obviously turning cherry red, I poked, no stabbed him fiercely with my earphone jacks.

"D-dumbass, I'm going first. Meet me outside school." I stuttered, then left, making sure to kick him on the shins. Serves him right. 

I pulled out my phone and stuck my ear jacks into them. I know I look like someone who'd play rock 24/7 (and I do most of the time) but on the occasion, I like listening to songs with a soft and mellow-ish kind of vibe. Currently, I'm listening to 'Dancing With Your Ghost' by Sasha Sloan. Damn, it's such a good song. It has a sad feel to it, but not until you pour your heart and soul to it crying. 

"To say your last goodbye..." I hummed as I passed the other classes. After searching the school up (damn Instagram side-tracking me), it turns out that it's an adoption center and school, for ages 5-14. It doesn't say why it's only 14, but whatever, right?

Wheymingway finally showed up, looking all cute like-

I chocked. 

"Jirou, you okay?" Ohmygod get away from me handsome prick



"F-fine. I'm fine, thanks Wheymingway." I turn around, give him a half-assed smile, then walked the hell out of there. 

What was that?! Oh my God, it's like today Kami-sama decided, 'Hey, I'm going to make Jirou think these thoughts about Kaminari and there's nothing she can do about it. He is also going to be apparently flirting for no adamant reason.' Arghhhh

He quickly caught up to me, his stride matching mines. He grinned, then snatched my phone straight out of my hands, holding it up high so I couldn't reach it. Bastard. He knows that I can't reach that height. Stupid, stupid Calamari!

"Give it back, Wheymingway." He shook his head, his mouth curling up to a grin as he raised it even higher. "Nope~!"

"Whey-ming-way." I hold out my hand and look at him, his eyes meeting mines. He broke it off and walked off campus, his already shining yellow hair catching the sparkle of the afternoon sun. Sparky. 

"Ji-rou~" He sing-songed back, walking further away, blocking his ears like he couldn't hear me.

"Idiot, give it back." I caught up to him, my heart beating twice as hard as it supposed to. He turns to me and poked his tongue out. I poked my tongue out back and punched him, hard on his right arm as I am on his right.

He winced, his fingers still wrapped around my baby, it precariously hanging from his fingers, the possibility of it slipping wide. 

"Okay, okay!" He handed me my phone back, a mix between a smile and a a frown plastsered on his face. I smirked at the sight. Take that. 

"Thank you." I took it from his hand, our fingertips barely touching, and put it in my pocket, where it should be safe. But you never know. 

"You could've said please, you know." He countered. 

I replayed our conversation. There doesn't seem to be an instance where I said those words. Oh goddamnit, I can feel myself getting hot. Instinctively, I covered my face, still walking and muttered an inaudible "Sorry."

"What was it? I can't hear you." His voice tore through my supposed barrier. I said it again, a bit louder. "Sorry." 

No sound came from him, so I assumed he's on his phone, looking through memes and vines and that I am safe from any attack. 

I was never more wrong than I was at that moment. 

I opened my eyes and bam! My head. Streetlight. Pain. oW. 

Fast forward to him laughing at me and putting his phone too close to my face. I know he took a picture of me when that happened. I know it! Jerk.

"I'll let it off the hook." His eyes light up. "For now." They dimmed. 

"Man, just when I thought you'd go a little easy with me..."His fingers went tap-tap on the screen as he, I assumed, tried to find the school. 

We both fell silent, him looking at his phone and me listening to music, the sound of our footsteps overtaken by the throng of people around us. 

With a sigh, he fluidly slipped his phone into his pocket, took my phone again and plugged his headphones into the jack. 

I gave up, so I signaled him to just take it, waving my hand. Instead, he shook his head and handed the right earbud to me. I took it with some hesitation. You never know. Maybe he electrocuted it first or something, I don't know!

So we set off like that, a mutter of lyrics coming out of his mouth every once in a while. 

[I was trying a 1st person prespective. Writing style inspired by Meg Leder, who wrote 'The Museum Of Heartbreak'. Speaking of which, is a good book that you should read if you're into romance. You're reading this book, so you must be into it.]

[And please give constructive criticism! I need it to become a better writer,thank you!]

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