Mistletoe(Todomomo)[Christmas#3]{BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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Ochako was huddled in her room with a blanket. Beside her was Yaoyorozu, also wrapped in blanket, due to how cold it was. The were both studying for the end of year exams when Hakagure burst in.
"Hi guys!" She greeted cheerfully, a smile on her face, even though you couldn't see it.
"Hi Hakagure!" Ochako replied back, waving.
"What are you guys doing here, cooped up in this room when you can have fun downstairs? Come on! Besides, it's warmer there." Hakagure added, noting the blankets they were using.
"But studies are important. We'll join you shortly." Yaoyorozu pipped up, disappointing Ochako and Hakagure.
"Aww... Ok then..." Hakagure said, sighing and then left.
Ochako permitted herself to one small, sad sigh before turning to Yaoyorozu and saying, "Alright Yaomomo! What's next?"
Unfortunately for Ochako, Yaoyorozu heard her.
"Uraraka, there is no use of studying if your not going to enjoy it. So, go ahead. Go downstairs. I'll be up here waiting for you to come back." Yaoyorozu explained.
"Really?! You're the best Yaomomo!" Ochako squealed, hugging Yaoyorozu then going downstairs.
"Also, can you please bring me some chocolate muffins? I can smell it from hear. Satou must've made them right?" Yaoyorozu called from upstairs.
"Yup! I'll bring em to you!" Ochako replied, and then her voice disappeared.
Yaoyorozu opened the textbook she's been teaching Ochako and then started to study it herself.

Downstairs, Mina hit Ochako lightly on the arm.
"Is she coming down?" Mina asked, worried.
"Nope. Is Todoroki coming?" Ochako replied, a worried look on her face.
"No. Thank God none of them came." Mina said.
"Yeah. Oh! I better get her some of the muffins. She's waiting for em!" Ochako left to get the muffins.
"We need a better plan then!" Hakagure stated, appearing g out of nowhere.
"Yup! Give me a second..." Mina said, trailing off as she thought of a plan.
"Wait. I got it. I got it!" Mina cheered surprising Hakagure.
"Wait, really? You do? Spill it then!" Ochako said, as she heard Mina's excited squeal.
"Ok,ok. So, this is what we're going to do..." Mina whispered, huddling the two girls together.
"Understand?" The two girls nodded as Mina and Hakagure went to the living room and Ochako to her room.
"Yaoyorozu! Get your... Muffins..." Ochako stopped as she saw her friend fast asleep on her desk.
' And you tell me that I sleep too little. Night Yaomomo.' Ochako thought as she placed the muffin front of Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu woke up to a drone of chatter heard outside the room.

She opened the door and saw Ochako, Mina and Hakagure talking to Todoroki, and whatever the topic is seemed to make him uncomfortable. When he saw Yaoyorozu, he physically stiffened. Hakagure noticed, and motioned Yaoyorozu to come over. Doing so, she stood next to Todoroki arms crossed.
"Is there a problem?" She asked.
"Yaoyorozu! Can you please go to the living room? I wanna tell you something!" Ochako said, ignoring Yaoyorozu's question.
"I-um of course! I'll go there right away." She said and headed towards the living room.
The girls snickered as they saw her leave and nudged Todoroki playfully.
"Your up! Good luck~" Mina teased.
Todoroki didn't even react to what she said, but he was panicking internally.
'Why did I agree to this? This is going to be so embarrassing...' Todoroki thought as he walked towards the living room slowly to stall time.
Arriving there, he headed towards Yaoyorozu's side and stayed silent.
Yaoyorozu didn't seem to notice he arrived, so he tapped her shoulder. When she looked up, Todoroki waved.
"Todoroki! Hi!"
After that awkward greeting, Yaoyorozu cleared her throat and said, "Christmas is getting close, right?"
"Mhmm. Hey, Yaoyorozu." Todoroki asked, his heart beating faster.
"Are you Christmas? Because I want to Merry you." Todoroki looked away, avoiding any eye contact.
Yaoyorozu blushed as well. After a few minutes of silence, Yaoyorozu started talking again.
"I... I must be a snowflake, because I've fallen for you."
Todoroki turned towards Yaoyorozu, glad that she caught what he wanted.
"Is your name Jingle Bells, cause you look like you go all the way."
"Are you looking for a tree topper? Because I've been told I'm a star on top."
"Do you live in an igloo? Because you seem like a pretty cool person."
Todoroki took a deep breath and dug his pockets for the mistletoe he had. He held it between Yaoyorozu and him and said, in very serious face, " I wish your hair was made of mistletoe, so I'd always have an excuse to kiss you."
Without giving Yaoyorozu anytime to react, he closed the gap between them and kissed.
I guess you know what happened next don't cha? Mina teasing , and Todomomo is now official.

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