Snow White (Kiribaku) {BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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Bakugou was walking around the campus, looking for Kirishima, when all of a sudden, a portal appeared and sucked him. (Hahahahahahaha I know. It's weird. Just bear it, or skip this story all together.)

Kirishima was coincidentally, also walking around the campus, looking for his lost book. As he turned a corner, a portal appeared behind him and sucked him into it.
--Bakugou's P.O.V.--
He woke up to a small, cramped bed, with bare, wooden walls. He grumbled, and attempted to get out of bed, but fell. He looked down to see why he fell, and saw that he was in a dress. A dress! A dress with a blue top with puffy sleeves and a yellow skirt, and a red headband with a bow.
'What. The. F***.' Bakugou thought as he looked down on himself.
"Snow White? Snow White, you wretched little boy! Come out this instant!" An ugly voice screeched from behind the door.
'Snow White?' Bakugou pondered. He faintly remembered his mother telling him story about it, but his younger self insisted in reading about All Might.
'Shit! What the f*** was the story? Shit. I got this weird ass mother that bosses and then she tried to f***king murder me right? Then I ran to the woods or some shit, collapsed and woke up with a bunch of f***ing animals that bought me to a house. Then cleaned, lived there with 7 damn unknown people, ate an apple, died and then got up. Right? I'm definitely right! Well, I'm not gonna die or some shit. Not today, not ever.' Bakugou thought as he gritted his teeth.
"Coming!" Bakugou replied, in the lightest voice possible, and scramed out the door, furiously blushing.
"There you are! You better not have overslept young man!" Now, as punishment for ignoring me, you have to wash the dishes, clean the yard, sweep the terrace, wipe the surfaces and get water. Do you understand?" A voice behind him instructed. 
He turned around to see Toga, with the most disgusting dress in. Even to Bakugou, who has no fashion sense, could tell that the dress she was wearing looked like crap.
'Wait, if I'm a boy, why the f*** is my name Snow White? Damnit old hag!' Bakugou thought angrily as he muttered a yes and scurried out to do those things.
'God dammit...' He thought as he muttered a string of curses under his breath, scowling even more when he realized this dress doesn't have any pockets.
While he was cleaning the terrace, he noticed a piece of paper sticking out of one of the plants(in the terrace). Approaching it, he saw that it was the words 'Kiri'[I know it makes no sense, but just keep with me]. He crumbled up the paper and stuffed it in his hair, cause he got nowhere else to place it in.
At the end of the day, he mentally checked if the things needed to be done.
'Wash the dishes, sweep, wipe and... Shit. The well.' Bakugou scurried to get up, but failed to do so.
'Damn this dress. How the f*** can girls walk in this shit?' He thought as he struggled to get up.
"Pail, pail. Where's the pail. There's the pail. Okay, now where's the well? Oh, well." Bakugou muttered, rushing here and there.
Once he got to the well, a bunch of birds came down to him.
"The f*** y'all coming down here for? I ain't your mom. Get the hell away from me!" Bakugou yelled at the birds, surprising them. After the shock, the birds flew back down to him, despite the yelling.
'Am I... Am I some kind of bird magnet it some shit?!' He thought as he tied the role of the well to the bucket and dropped it in.
"Hey...hey Bakubro! Bakubro, over here!" A faint whisper can be heard.
Bakugou turned around and heard Kirishima's voice, but wasn't sure if he heard it right .
"S-shitty hair?" Bakugou asked, hating how he stuttered.
"Bakugou! It really is you! Behind the bush!" The voice replied. As Bakugou looked over the bush, he saw  Kirishima.His face lit up as he saw Kirishima in a white long sleeved shirt, black leggings and a red cape behind him. His hair was down, giving him a more princely look.
"Bakubro, what the-" Kirishima exploded into laughter as he saw Bakugou in a dress.
"S-stop laughing shit for brains! It's not like I f***in wanted this!" Bakugou complained back, heat rising to his cheeks more.
"It-it's just -wheeze- you just look so cute Bakugou!" Kirhsima said between laughs.
"C-cute?! I'm not f***ing cute! S-shut up shit head!" Bakuhou argued back.
"Aww... A tsundere Bakugou! Even cuter!" Kirishima teased again, only to be greeted with a hug from Bakugou. Well, sort of. Considering that they can't use their quirks (because they're in a Snow White AU, and there aren't any quirks in the a Snow White AU), Bakugou's only resort is to squeeze Kirishima as hard as he could from behind.
"Are you...hugging me? Aww, Bakugou... I didn't know you were that embar-" Kirishima gasped for air as Bakugou squeezed the life out of him.
"Suffer, shitty hair! Suffer!" Bakugou cackled as he squeezed harder. However, after seeing Kirishima's white face, he loosened the grip just a bit so his 'friend' could breath.
"Anyway, what the hell are you doing here shitty hair?" Bakugou asked, his voice muffled by Kirishima's cape.
"A portal sucked me into this world. When I woke up, I was in a castle! So, I tried to be princely or something, and then I rode here. My horse dragged me here, more like." Kirishima laughed.
"Anyway, do you know how to get out of here?" Kirishima asked.
Bakugou was about to say no, but remembered the piece of paper he has. Taking it out of his hair, he let go of Kirishima (which disappointed Kirishima a bit) and gave it to him.
"Well, I only got this piece of crap. But what does it even mean?!" Bakugou asked, mad.
"Well, I got a piece of paper too. Here, let me get it." Kirishima headed towards his horse and took out a piece of paper from his satchel that he bought.
"I got a piece of paper that says 'baku'. Isn't that weird? It sounds like your name!" As Kirishima rambled on, Bakugou has stopped listening and was trying to figure out what the puzzle is. He out the 'Kiri' in the front and 'baku' in the back. After a few moments, he realized what it meant [it's not even difficult] and began to blush again. Hard. He hated how he became so vulnerable when to jolly redhead is around, but he enjoyed it.
As Bakugou was going through these emotions, Kirishima was looking out when he saw a woman and a group of people behind them. Alarmed, he shook Bakugou.
"Bakugou. Bakugou. Bakugou! I think your step mom might have found us and we should probably run."
Bakugou looked at the crowd and yup, Queen Toga was yelling and a group of people were behind him as well.
"Shit. That's the queen. We better run." Bakugou said as he scrambled to Kirishima's horse. As he attempted to climb it, he fell, because he wasn't used to the dress.
"Dude? Need help?" Kirishima asked, and Bakugou sheepishly nodded, since there wasn't anytime to argue.
Kirishima lift him up and set him  in the back seat so Kirishima could ride the horse. Bakugou sat with both legs to one side and Kirishima sat in front, legs on either side of the horse. After a few minutes of encouraging Bakugou to hold onto Kirishima's waist so he won't fall, they rode away.
After a few minutes of riding, Bakugou asked a question.
"Where are we going shitty hair?"
"I don't know, wherever there isn't Toga. Oh! I guess a forest it is!" Kirishima answered.
" Do you even have the stuff for us to live or some shit?" Bakugou questioned Kirishima.
Bakugou sighed. "Alright prince. Get off the horse so I can look for some shit to eat. You got a pan? Or some shit?"
"Oh... Yeah! I do! The queen was kinda worried that I would starve, so she gave me a pan! And some other stuff!" Kirishima explained, grinning.
"At least your mom have some brain. Unlike you." Bakugou grumbled. He jumped down the horse , only to fall to the dirt flat on his face.
"Damn dress! Shitty hair, you better have some kind of pants! I don't think I can handle this any longer!" Bakugou yelled, his voice muffled by dirt.
"Sorry Bakugou. I don't have any..." Kirishima said, backing away.
"Well, then help me get the f*** up!"
"Okay, okay! Jeez Bakugou! Chill! Princess." Kirishima said, getting down to his knees to help the 'princess'.
"Ok, now... Aren't you gonna get up?" Kirishima asked, only to be tackled down by Bakugou.
"Ha! Got ya, you piece of...crap..."Bakugou paused, taking in each and every feature of Kirishima, from his head to his toes.
"Damn shitty hair... Damn..." Bakugou let out a wolf whistle. Without even realizing it, he pulled Kirishima closer.
Kirishima too, was looking at Bakugou. Sure, maybe he doesn't look as he used too, but to Kirishima, he looked adorable, heck, even more adorable than normal. With the dress and headband, he looked adorable. Plus the things he's done, even though it was just a bit, like him slightly holding onto Kirishima's cape as they traveled into the forest. Or all the times he  stumbled and fell flat on his face.
Trapped in that embrace, both of them felt drowsy and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

∆°=Kirishima's P.O.V.=°∆
When he woke up, he felt something warm next to him. It was comfy too. Rolling to the side, he hugged the said 'warm thing'. Snuggling up to it, he hugged it closer and drifted back to sleep. Midway through the sleeping, the 'warm thing' got closer to him and hugged him. Feeling happy, Kirishima fell into sleep slumber.

--Bakugou's P.O.V.--
When he woke up, a pair of strong arms were hugging him, so he couldn't escape. Around him, whispers were heard saying, "OMG he woke up. Get back get back get back get back! Retreat retreat!" And the shuffling and whispers disappeared.
As he opened his eyes groggily, he saw that he was on a sofa and there was a taller male next to him. Flashbacks of things that happened yesterday flashed through his brain. Quickly sitting up, he looked down and realized that he was still in the dress. After looking around, he saw that he was in the 1A's living room. He looked at the redhead next to him and smiled a bit and quickly ran to his bedroom so he could change his clothes and to hide from embarrassment. Once changed, he thought of burning the dress to rid of any evidence. So he decided to do it tommorow.
After that, he headed down to the living room to snuggle back up with Kirishima. Without anyone knowing of course. Thankfully for him, the readheaded prince was still asleep. Bakugou slowly crawled background to his previous position and thanked God that he didn't have to wear the dress anymore.

Unknown to Bakugou or Kirishima, Mina had it on tape. She was walking to the girl's dorm when she saw the both of them on the ground, sleeping. Bakugou was in a Snow White outfit and Kirishima in prince. She snapped a photo of them and told Soji to carry them in return of some cash. He agreed. Mina also requested that he arranged it so that the two of them are photogenic.
Although she didn't expect him to pose them in sleeping next to each other pose, she gladly thanked him and presumed to take pictures. Kaminari caught her in the act and joined in.
So yes, she is currently in the base (her room) with her partner in crime (Hakagure), squealing about it. And yes, she did take the dress for evidence when questioning Bakugou and Kirishima. It might be hard,

[Ah... You can imagine how cute they look don't they? Bye!]

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