I wouldn't mind (Sakura) {Naruto Fandom}

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 A 23 year-old Sakura sighed. It's her first day in her new summer job. Not that she needed it. She had cash stashed in her bank account, thanks to her job as a clinic owner,  but she thought that it would be good to branch out.

"It would be good experience I said. Oh, I regret doing this.. " Sakura grumbled under her breath  as she entered the place. The pollen in the air caused her to sneeze.

"And... here I go." Sakura sarcastically remarked as she put on her mask and approached the owner.

She tapped her on her back. The owner jolted and turned around. She had long blonde hair, with a two piece dress in purple and a cheery smile on her face.

Sakura broke into a smile once she saw her.

"Hi, I'm Sakura. Um, the owner, correct?"

"Mhm! It's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Ino. You're the owner of the clinic that's like, 15 minutes away from here aren't you?" Sakura nodded. She is quite proud of herself as she just started over two months ago, so she needed as much publicity as possible. "Then I guess you know a lot about herbs, so I don't really need to introduce them to you. However, you don't really know about flowers and their meanings ,right?"

Sakura raised an eyebrow. Meanings?

"Meanings." Ino nodded, reading Sakura's mind. "There are meanings to each flower you know. Some people who come here sometimes say,'I need flowers for the grave.' So, we need to know about the meanings. Sure, we could give them the wrong type ,but that's not exactly good costumer service isn't it?" Ino giggled.

Ah, really? Maybe I could learn more. Maybe they were right, I should branch out. I miss them.

"So, you new as well?" Sakura asked. Ino nodded. 

"Yup. Started just over 2 months ago." She turned to see Sakura laughing. "What's so funny? Gosh, I know my shop doesn't look the best, but there's no reason to laugh about it." She playfully pouted.

"Oh gosh, not that! It's just funny because I started 2 months ago as well! Hey, let's make a deal. If I work for you, you work for me as well! That way, we can help each other out. How about that?" 

Ino thought about it for a few seconds, then nodded in agreement. "Okay!"

Sakura smiled. Maybe this isn't such a bad day after all.


A week has passed. Sakura is working in her clinic. It's Ino's first day working here.

Where is she? Sakura thought, rubbing her temples.

"I'm here!" Sakura heard a familiar voice cry from behind.

"Finally, Pig." Sakura sarcastically remarked.

"That's not a nice way to greet your new coworker, Forehead."

"That's not a nice way to great your boss, Pig."

"Oh, shut up, you." Ino playfully pushed Sakura. After a few laughs, they got down to business.

Ding, ding!

The bell rung, indicating someone entered. 

"Ino, I'll go to the first. You could start by arranging the herbs." Ino nodded. Sakura put on her doctor suit and asked the patient to enter.

"You may come in, sir." She said as she arranged her things.

"Thanks for calling me that!" A childish voice replied. Sakura looked up to see 2 boys not older than 7 or 8. One had blonde hair and the other had black.

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