Tea Shop (Todomomo)[BNHA/MHA Fandom]

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"Ah, T-Todoroki-san..." Yaoyorozu called while nervously tapping her fingers together. Todorokiturned around.

Seeming to get his attention, she asked her question. "Ehm... There's this new tea shop that opened recently..." She gulped nervously. "A-and I was wondering if you'd like to g-go there with me to study?" On the opposite side of the class, Mina, Hakagure, and Jirou are impatiently waiting for his reply.

Todoroki scratched the nape of his neck. "For studying purposes?" He averted his gaze from her. "I don't think I can, I already promised Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida that I.."

Mina gave a signal to Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida. They quickly zoomed to Todoroki and crowed him.

"NOTHING! HE PROMISED US NOTHING!" Iida shouted, moving his hands in a vertical motion. Midoriya and Uraraka nodded in agreement.

"He's totally free today!" Uraraka motioned to Todoroki.

"Todoroki-kun is free today!" Midoriya added, reassuring Yaoyorozu. Todoroki just looked confused as Yaoyorozu stuttered, "W-what?"

Uraraka took a deep breath. "What we're saying is that Todoroki is free today and he has not made any plans with us. He has not made any plans. At all. " The trio left, leaving the 2 'alone'. Who am I kidding, everyone is discreetly watching, even Aizawa and Bakugou. Sero tied Mineta with his tape, so he didn't infer.

"S-so, Todoroki-san, can you come?" She. looked down and waited nervously for his answer. So did the rest of the class. It became as silent as the dead. After a few seconds, Todoroki nodded.

"I guess I truly have nothing to do now, so I'll go."

Mina, of course, nearly squealed but Sero taped her mouth shut. Then Aizawa cleared his throat.

"All right class, let's begin."


When the bell finally rang, everyone waited with bathed breath. Yaoyorozu pats Todoroki lightly on the shoulder. "Hmm?"

"Um, I'll go to the dorms, if you don't mind. I want to place my books first. Please meet me outside the school gates" Todoroki nodded and she left.

Immediately, the class surrounded Todoroki.

"Damn man, you got a date with the best chick around!" (Kaminari. Don't worry, Jirou plucked his eyes with her earphone jack.)

"Oh, it's a date? She said it's for studying purposes." (Todoroki said, confused.)

'He's dense, isn't he?' (Thought the entire class.)

"Well Todoroki, you better get ready, right?" Mina giggled.

"She didn't tell me what we're studying for." He quickly pulled out his cell to call Yaoyorozu.

Ow! Um, yes Todoroki-san? Yes, the class was listening. Mina forced him to put it on speakerphone.

Yaoyorozu? Is everything okay over there? You seem hurt. Do you want me to come and get you some ice?

Oh! N-no Todoroki-san, thank you. You could hear how nervous she was over the phone. What did you call for?

You never told me where we're going or what to bring Yaoyorozu. Are you sure you're okay? Did you forget the major details of going out and studying?

'He should've said 'date'...' (The entire class)

Oh, right. We're studying science. I see your grades are decreasing there, so as vice-president of class 1A, I must aid you! Iida-san said he couldn't make it. I'll see you soon Todoroki-san.

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