Wedding (Kiribaku){BNHA/MHA Fandom}

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[I thought it would be funny to see Bakugou in a wedding dress. Happy reading folks!]
Bakugou is in his dressing room, muttering while he's waiting for his dress.
"Damn it. First I have to wear a wedding dress Ejirou picked, and then it's late?!" Yelled Bakugou, tiny explosions already getting out of hand.
Kaminari burst inside Bakugou's dressing room, with the dress in hand.
"Finally! It's about damn time you showed up!" Bakugou roared, grabbing the dress out of Kaminari' s hand and head towards the changing room.
After changing, Bakugou came out with a red flush on face. He had a simple wedding gown, white, with frills decorating the bottom. He's got a simple veil, with a crown of flowers on his head and boots, because Bakugou refused to wear slippers.
"So pretty~" Kaminari teased as Bakugou threw his boot at Kaminari's face.
"Shut up outlet! It's better than YOUR DERP FACE AT YOUR WEDDING!" Bakugou yelled back, referring to the wedding Kaminari and Jirou had not long ago.
"Ok, ok. Point taken. Now, if you excuse me, I'll go to the groom. Ta ta~! " And so Kaminari left to go to Kirishima.
True to his word, Kaminari went to his friend's dressing room to see how things are going.
It was chaotic inside, to say the least.
Kirishima's crying and Midoriya and Sero are consoling him.
"What... happened ?" Kaminari asked, with a swear drop dripping from his forehead.
Sero pulled Kaminari aside and whispered, "He's imagining his wife"- Here, Sero snickered at the sight of Bakugou on a dress. - " And he's crying about how lucky he is and shit."
"That's normal... I think?" Kaminari whispered back.
"You didn't do this in your wedding. Instead, you derped it off." Sero stated, and received a slap from Kaminari.
"Shaddup! I know, alright!?" Kaminari yelled, forgetting it he quiet.
"I wonder how Jirou stands you. I mean, your a pain to live with." Sero continued, angering Kaminari even further.
"SHUT-" And he's interrupted.
"NO, YOU SHUT UP!" Midoriya suddenly yelled, and the room fell silent, only to be accompanied by Kirishima's sobs.
"T-thank you Midoriya. -sob- I-i.... He's gonna look -sob- so cuteeeeee!!!" Kirishima wailed, dabbing tissues again.
By this time, all of the boys scooted away from him, giving him the 'is he nuts?' look.
Kaminari slapped Kirishima and said, "Listen, it took us a long and hard journey to get you guys together, and you're gonna mope about it?! Get it together, for goodness's sake!"
"R-right. Sorry." Kirishima sniffed, blew his nose and smiled as bright as the sun.
"Shitty hair! Let's go!" Bakugou yelled through the door, startling the groom.
"Coming!" Kirishima yelled back and walked out the door and the rest followed suit.
__In za wedding__
"... Now I pronounce you... Husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride." The preist sloemnly said.
"Finally." Bakugou muttered under his breath as he leaned in.
Kirishima met him halfway and... you know.
"Ey! My boys grown up! Hope you can deal with him Ejirou!" Bakugou's mom yelled, surprising the newly wedded couple.
"Shut up old hag! No one asked for your opinion!" Bakugou yelled back, and so the fight begins.

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