OTP Prompts pt.2 (Featuring Todomomo, Izuocha, Kiribaku & Kamijirou)

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"You know Bakugou, you're so sweet and cute and precious." Kirishima cooed, embarrassing the blonde.

"What the shit is that. One, I'm not f***ing sweet. I am a top hero who will kick deku's ass and win, so throw your shit out of the f***ing window, shitty hair."

Kirishima ignored him, giggling behind the pillow. "How cute."


"We don't have f***ing pet names or shit. they're f***ing gross." Bakugou grumbed to Sero. Sero raised his eyebrow in disbelief. 

"Righttt. Hey, Bakugou, what do bees make?"

Now it's Bakugou's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Honey?"

Kirishima, who happened to be in the next room, turned towards Bakugou. "Yes?"

Sero scoffed. "And you tell me you don't have pet names for each other."


"I have something to get off my chest." Jirou stared down at Kaminari seriously. 

Crossing his fingers, her whispered. "Is it your clothes? Please say it's your clothes."

Let's just say Kaminari almost died that day.


"Todoroki-kun! Yaomomo-san!" The two students faced the caller, who happened to be Ochako.

"Ochako-san. What can I do for you?" Yaoyorozu asked politely while her companion just stared at the brunette in dead silence. 

"Are you free on Friday at like, say 8 p.m?" 

Yaoyorozu nodded. "Well, I was just about review a chapter again, but yes, I'm free. Are you requesting a tutoring session? We can do it in-"

"And how about you, Todoroki-kun?" Ochako ignored Yaoyorozu and faced Todoroki.

"I am." He said, in a sharper tome than usual.

"Great! Because I'm not. Enjoy your date!" She giggled away, immediately reporting her findings to Mina, leaving her two friends in the cold.

"D-did she just-"

"Well, I'll see you there then."

"H-huh?!" Yaoyorozu looked at Todoroki, who was already walking back to his dorm. 


"Kaminari, it's dark here. Can you-"

"Don't worry dude, I got this!"

He stomped his sketchers, lighting them up.

Jirou smacked herself on the forehead. "Why are you like this."


Ochako yawned. It has been a pretty tiring day. 

"It must be tiring to f-feel pr-pretty, Ochako-san."Midoriya stated, red faced. Ochako, who, as I said, was quite exhausted, so her brain cells aren't working to their full potential.

She let out another yawn slip through and replied. "Oh really? Then you must be exhausted."

Midoriya blushed even harder, and left without no explanation. 


It was only the next morning that Ochako realized what she'd done, which is why she's floating all over the classroom.


"Hey Bakugou, have you ever had someone?"

"You mean a boyfriend?" 

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